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We Gather

Visualization for realizing Oneness

This visualization was inspired by my image Belonging

We take a deep breath in and then out. Once more, we draw into ourselves from around us and then release again.

Calm. We are an ocean. We are one drop in an ocean. We are joyous calm. We are weightless. We are of light, of sound, of energy.

We draw into ourselves and then release.

We focus. A point of gathering comes into being. We release and the point fades.

We draw into ourselves and then release.

We are motion. Around us there is motion. Within us drops gather together at points in shared intent and then drift apart to later gather again.

We draw into ourselves and then release.

We focus. We are drawn to a gathering. We become thought for a brief, wondrous time, and then we drift apart, back to joyous calm.

We draw into ourselves and then release.

We are drawn to another gathering. This time one of physical form. For a short time we believe ourselves to be a leaf on a tree. Other gatherings take the ethereal form of wind and flow past us. We dance. Beautiful. The gathering drifts apart.

We draw into ourselves and then release.

In the joyous calm we are all these things at once. In the gatherings we feel more one thing than the others, but the others are all still there. Shimmering in the background.

We draw into ourselves and then release.

We are drawn to another gathering. This time we will be physical light.

We draw into ourselves and then release.

Stay with this visualization as long as you like.

Oneness Visualization
Belonging by Abueng Naledi

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