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Energy Clearing for Spaces

Spaces hold the energy of events that transpired within them and of people who frequent them. Energy work can be done for places just like it can be done for people and animals. We do this to clear energy that is no longer serving the area and to create space for energy that is harmonious to flow in.

My intention while doing these sessions is to work towards the highest good of the space itself, which will in turn benefit those who frequent it (residents, customers/clients, employees, visitors).

The Triple Grid Technique

The Triple Grid Technique is a wonderful tool that I use regularly in the spaces I frequent. I learned it years ago from the book What Is Light Body? by Tashira Tachi-ren.

The technique creates an energetically clean and stable environment. It can be done for locations like a home, office, park, or event venue. It can also be done for your car.

Once I have done the technique for your space, I will let you know via email.

Locations Served

The Triple Grid Technique is done at a distance and can be done for any location in the world.

Bookings & Prices

I do not have a fixed price for the Triple Grid technique. I ask that you pay an amount the equals the value you feel you received and feels good for you to give. Please email me at to book this option.

I will do your clearing within 36 hours of the time of your booking.

Please include the following information in your email.

  • your first name
  • the space to be cleared
  • your relationship to that space (my home, my neighborhood playground, etc)