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Embodying Frequencies

In an Embodying Frequencies Virtual Gathering our 60 minutes together will be spent in discussion, energy work, and group mediations. All segments will be focused around the Frequency of Focus for that gathering.

Frequency of Focus

Anticipation by Abueng Naledi

Love, compassion, grace, unity, peace. In each gathering, we will come together to focus on a particular frequency and anchor it more firmly within us, integrating beliefs that no longer serve us with higher perspective, and amplify that which is in harmony with the chosen frequency for that gathering.

The frequencies of focus will change from one gathering to the next, but I have found that there is always more to unfold, so I will revisit certain frequencies (like compassion or grace) over the course of a year.

Flow of a Gathering

Embodying Frequency Virtual Gatherings will flow between periods of discussion, energy work, and meditation.

Discussion – Reflect & Share

There will be opportunities for discussion during the gathering, when those who wish to can share their thoughts and experiences around the frequency of focus.

You are free to share or simply listen, as you wish.

Energy Work – Integrate & Shift

In this portion of the gathering I will act as a clear conduit for Universal Energy and loving guidance to achieve the energetic shifts within our fields that will align us with that which is in harmony with the frequency of focus.

I will ask my guides, our Inner Beings, and beings of higher consciousness in service to All for guidance as I seek to integrate our beliefs and patterns which are no longer serving us with higher perspective.

Using Reiki, light language, visualization, and other techniques we will create the space for beneficial energetic shifts and expansions within our fields to occur.

Meditation – Hold & Amplify

We will end with a group meditation. First, we will focus inward, amplifying and anchoring the frequency of focus for that session within our Beings. Then, will shift our focus to the human collective consciousness, Mother Earth, or another group and radiate the frequency to all.

I will also share any messages that I receive from my guides during the meditation that will support us in our intentions.

Join a Gathering

I ask for CAN$24 for one person, and there are up to 9 spots available for each gathering.

Times are in Eastern Time (Toronto time zone)