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Expressions by Abueng Naledi

Energy is information which can be expressed and perceived in a multitude of ways. Our physical senses are constantly translating the energy around us and presenting us with our own unique interpretation of our reality.

Everything is energy. There is physical energy and there is more subtle, non-physical energy coming together to form everything from stones and trees to ideas and intentions.

I offer visual expressions of energy through digital art and audio expressions of energy through light language and song.

Spiritual concepts and ideas can be expressed visually through digital art.

To do this, I sit quietly, holding the idea in my awareness, and then create an image based on my interpretation of the energy of that idea.

Emergence by Abueng Naledi

You are an idea, patterns within patterns of energy. Some of these energy patterns are expressed in our Universe as your physical body, complete with smaller patterns for organs and bones. Others are expressed as your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

I express the energy patterns of individuals visually as art, audibly through light language, or through descriptive words.

What Is Light Language?

Light Language is the language of the Soul. It speaks to us at the deepest levels of our being.

Though it is singular, light language is not one language. It is not even a language the way we understand our human languages to be. There are many variations in the types of sounds, rhythm, pitch, and speed of spoken light language, but what all these variations have in common is that they are transmitting high-frequency energy, information, and Love.

Light language is the expression of energy as sound, but it is more than sound. It transmits frequency, energy, and much more information than our human languages do. You can feel it and receive the information on a level of your being that is beyond the linear, conscious mind. Light language speaks to our core, our subconscious mind, our cells.

Light Language Recording Options

Your short light language recording will 1 to 3 minutes long and can be one of two options.

Expression of Your Energy

A short light language audio recording expressing the energy of your being.

Light Language for an Intention

A light language recording to support an intention of your choosing. The intention could be for restful sleep, like in Sleep for VD above, or for clear communication with your guides, for example. The recording could also be for the amplification of a particular frequency, like inner peace or self confidence.

You can choose to have your image or audio represent the general energy of an individual (pets welcome) or their energy in relation to a particular subject, such as love or abundance.

Whatever you choose, I will tune in and express the individual’s energy as I am currently able to interpret it.

Purchase Expression

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Prices in Canadian dollars