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5 Days of Meditations for Groups

For five days, you can be part of a group meditating in the frequencies of Love, Wonder, and Grace once or twice a day.

Allow Wonder by Abueng Naledi

Join me for virtual gatherings where we will intentionally choose to hold and amplify those frequencies within our being. And in so doing, gain the deep understanding that these frequencies are available to us at any time.

In each of the meditations, I will be holding my focus on the morning or evening group, flowing energy in the frequencies of Love, Wonder, and Grace to that group and each of its members and creating a space that will be conducive to amplifying these frequencies within you.

Since I hold the group as my subject of focus in each meditation, you can also choose to simply receive the energy rather than joining me online for the meditation. The energy will flow to you the same regardless of what you are doing at the time of the meditation. You can go about your day or even sleep.

Being part of a group coming together for meditations is a wonderful way to support you in establishing or enhancing your own daily meditation practice and to nourish your energy field.

The Meditations

Over the five-day period, there will be 15-minute, 24-minute, and 33-minute meditations in the frequencies of Love, Wonder, and/or Grace. I do one meditation in the morning and the other meditation in the late evening (Toronto time zone, Eastern Time).

You can choose to be part of the morning group, the evening group, or both groups.

Grace Elohim by Abueng Naledi

Those in the morning or evening groups will receive five meditations while those who join both groups will receive, annd be anble to join me online, for all ten.

Below is the schedule of meditations that will be done each day in both the morning and evening.

  • Monday: 15-minute Love Meditation
  • Tuesday: 15-minute meditation (3 minutes in Love, 9 minutes in Wonder, 3 minutes in Grace)
  • Wednesday: 15-minute Meditation (3 minutes in Love, 3 minutes in Wonder, 9 minutes in Grace)
  • Thursday: 24-minute meditation (8 minutes in Love, Wonder, and Grace)
  • Friday: 33-minute meditation (11 minutes in Love, Wonder, and Grace)

Sea of Energy: Why Intentionally Immerse Yourself In Certain Frequencies?

The frequencies you choose to cultivate within you determine the thoughts that occur to you and the opportunities that manifest around you. They determine the quality of energy you infuse into everything you do and that you infuse into all of your relationships as well.

Love Light by Abueng Naledi

As we go about our day we are constantly immersed in a sea of energy, moving from one frequency pocket to another. As energetic beings, we are influenced by energy frequencies around us. We are influenced by the frequencies in the spaces we physically find ourselves in (a peaceful forest, a stressful office, near a pessimistic friend) and also by the energy of those who focus upon us.

Deciding to be part of a group that is being focused on in Love, Wonder, and Grace presents you with the opportunity to intentionally choose the frequency you are immersed in for at least part of your day.

We Are Sovereign Beings

Compassion by Abueng Naledi

We are not at the mercy of our surroundings. We are sovereign beings. The extent of the influence that spaces and others have on us always comes down to us and what frequencies we choose to cultivate within our beings.

Choosing to be in spaces and near people who have high amplitudes of the frequencies we want to embody reinforces and supports our own inner work.

Amplifying the Frequencies Within You

As a member of a group, you can meditate with me online for as many of the once or twice (depending on your group) daily meditations as you want. Or you can go about your day and choose to simply receive the energy at the time of the meditation. The energy will flow to you and around you regardless of what you’re doing.

Join me online in meditation or allow the energy to flow to you. The choice is yours.

There are additional things you can do over the five days to further immerse yourself in the frequencies. Once you join a group, you’ll receive a link to a webpage where you’ll find guided meditation audio, messages from loving guides for your group, and links to blog posts on Love, Wonder, and/or Grace. You can use these, if you like, to meditate anytime on your own or to gain further insights.

Does the Amount of Love/Wonder/Grace Energy Available for Me Decrease As More People Join?

The amplification of Love, or Wonder, for each group member is not affected by the number of people in the group. Doing the meditation for the group increases the amplitude of Love in the group’s space regardless of how many members there are. This is just like if you and some friends were sitting around a fire and three more friends joined your circle. You would not experience a corresponding reduction in heat.

It is not that there is a finite amount of Love, Wonder, Grace energy flowing from me to the group that then gets divided up. It is that in doing the meditation, I create a point of focus and subsequently a space of amplified Love, Wonder, or Grace. All those in this space, through resonance, can then experience the amplification of Love within their own energy fields.

My Understanding of the Frequencies of Love, Wonder, and Grace

Love is Source energy as it forms this Universe and as it is part of each creation of this Universe. It is the threads woven through our multi-dimensional tapestry.

Wonder is the perception, realization, recognition of Source within one of its creations. The feeling we call Wonder is the coming home, however briefly, to the knowing that All is Source.

Grace is Source. It is the carrier wave of the frequencies of Source. It is the closest to direct expression of Source which is possible within this container that we call our Universe. It is Source Energy not serving a function, not acting as a creation, but simply Being as it can be expressed within this Source System.

Join a Group

I ask for CAN$42 for once a day meditations and CAN$72 for twice a day meditations for the 5 days. If you choose once a day meditations, please indicate in the Notes field if you would like to be part of the morning or evening group.

Pets are more than welcome.

Please see the table below for the upcoming groups. You can register for a group up to 3 days before the scheduled start date (by the preceding Friday).

PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay payment options available, as well as credit card.

Meditation start times are in Eastern Time (Toronto time zone).