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The Influence of Focus

The energy we are in as we focus on anything permeates our actions, our thoughts, our being. And the object of our focus receives that, is surrounded by that same energy frequency.

Wishing someone well, praying, or thinking about someone with kindness and fondness has an effect. Thinking ill of someone has an effect. We change our own energetic state by running that energy through our field and that frequency has an effect on our object of focus as well.

As energetic beings existing in a sea of energy we can influence one another.

How do we influence our object of focus? The energetic state we are in when we focus amplifies what is there within the object of focus. This is the work of resonance. Focusing on someone with love amplifies the frequency of love within them and other similar frequencies. Focusing on someone in anger not only brings the frequency of anger into our own state of being but will also amplify that frequency and those similar to it within our object of focus.

This frequency amplification doesn’t only happen with living beings. This is the way that situations or inanimate objects become imbued with frequencies of energy.

We cannot control others in this fashion. Your focus will cause the amplification of a frequency within another, but the frequency you introduce certainly does not overwrite or supersede the one they are currently experiencing, or what their customary vibrational set points are.

So if someone is generally a very patient person, focusing on them with impatience will not suddenly make them lose their patience. The frequency of impatience will have such a small amplitude within them in comparison to their well-established frequency of patience that the minor amplification really won’t do much.

This is why having a practice like daily love meditations or some other exercise where we intentionally choose our frequency is so beneficial. We’re deciding which frequencies to amplify and effectively choosing which ones to de-amplify as well. Because we can’t be patient and impatient at the same time.

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