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Opinions ~ Contemplation Thoughts

2020 Week 42 & 43 Contemplation Thoughts

  • Why is it so many people seem to have a hard time recognizing that their opinion is simply their perspective and not the one and only truth? How did we get here? Is it simply conditioning or is something else going on?
  • It is certainly common is North American society for everyone to have an opinion on everything. People are quick to form opinions about people they’ve never met. Journalists regularly ask the people they are interviewing “Your reaction?” in response to some event or something someone else said or did
  • We see our reality through our opinions and beliefs. I suppose that’s partly why we hang on to them so tightly. We feel they help us navigate our world. Maybe we fear that if our opinion is “wrong” then so is our world
  • But I think that it may go back to our understanding of what is “real” as well
  • I think that the more solid things are, the more dense they feel, the more we consider them to be “real”
  • E=mc^2 comes to mind
  • Things that are more solid or more massive have more energy. We know from Einstein that E equals MC squared. So for every gram of mass there is the speed of light (299,792,458 m/s) squared joules of energy. Things with more mass contain more energy. And mass is not simply the measurement of weight. If you take two identical steel balls and heat one of them, the hotter ball will have more mass than the cooler one. Mass is matter and energy such as kinetic energy or thermal energy
  • Humans focus primarily on the matter in our reality. Things in that are physical in some form (solid, liquid, gas, plasma), are real and definite. Though even here we have a sliding scale because we all agree on things that are solid, like a table or tree, but we may have a different perspective once we start talking about gases, for example smells. One person may smell something that is undetectable to another person. Or two people may smell the same thing and interpreted it in different ways
  • I think we have merged the word “real” with “solid” or “physical”. The more solid some thing is, the more indisputable it is. We don’t disagree about the location of a dress but we may disagree about its colour 🙂
  • So could we say that our senses of touch, for example, can detect things once there’s a certain amount of energy? Once there is enough energy condensed into one place. We can’t feel the air when we’re simply sitting in a room, but we feel it when there’s a fan blowing. And we’ll definitely feel it when there’s hurricane-force winds. The amount of air and the kinetic energy of the air makes it so that our sense of touch easily detects it
  • Back to opinions. One of our opinions is somethings we’ve either directly thought about or we have beliefs surrounding it that we have thought about that lead us to that opinion because it is supported by our other beliefs.
  • Where attention goes energy flows. Everything is energy
  • I believe the above statements to be true in our reality. Everything is energy, and that includes thoughts. Thoughts, like everything else, have a unique energy frequency. And when we think certain thoughts over and over again we tune ourselves to that frequency
  • I think my opinion feels more real to me partially because I’ve thought about it, either directly or indirectly, and in thinking about it I have flowed energy to it. The accumulation of energy makes it more detectible to me. It won’t feel the same as if I’m touching a solid object, but I will have a feeling. Maybe my opinion starts to feel more real because I consider things that I can feel, things with more mass and density, to be more real
  • I think another reason why my opinion seems right is because it feels better to me. But that is simply because my opinion is a match to me and to my energy. Someone else’s opinion may actually feel revolting to me because the energy frequency of that opinion is at such odds with my energy frequency.
  • Many people have had occasions of being actually taken aback by the opinion of someone else that feels revolting. We then, understandably, assume that horrible feeling is indicating how wrong that other opinion is when it may be simply indicating how different from our energy it is
  • Do we choose our opinions?
  • Opinions are the effect and beliefs are the cause. If you don’t have any beliefs even remotely related to a matter in any way then you won’t have an opinion on it

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