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Know Your Worth

Visualization for feeling worthiness

Visualize yourself lying on your back, completely at ease. Relax each part of your body from your feet up to your head.

Now imagine a stream of silver light descending from above, flowing like a liquid into the centre of your chest. The silver light reaches your heart and fills it slowly.

Silver light is good for dissolving and clearing dense energy. It also holds within it the quality of intrinsic value and in its light it carries a message:

You are a piece of Creation. Without you the Universe would be incomplete.

As your heart is filled with the silver light, you feel heaviness lifting from your chest, steadily being replaced by a feeling of worthiness.

When your heart is full, the silver light flows through it to your spine. First, it moves down to the tip of your tailbone, soaking each vertebrae with the knowing of its worth. Then, it travels upwards the same way, passing your shoulders and moving through your neck to the base of your skull. From there, the light seeps across your brain, saturating it with love and light.

The flow of light from above you stops, but its essence remains in your body. Your heart, spine, and brain are all connected by the currents of shimmering silver.

Stay with this image as long as you like.

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