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Spiral Paths

Visualization for relaxation

Illustration by D.Y. Abeygoda

You are standing in a green meadow on a sunny, warm day. In front of you is a large, perfectly circular pond. The water of the pond is still and beautifully clear.

Looking around, you notice four paths made of large, circular rocks leading from the edge of the pond to a small, sandy island at its center. Each of the four paths spirals a quarter of the way around the pond before reaching the island, forming a symmetrical pattern if seen from above.

The path that begins on the south side of the pond and ends on the west side of the island is the closest to you. However, you decide to take off your shoes and walk around the pond first, enjoying the feel of the grass against your feet and gazing into the still water.

Eventually, you choose one of the paths and hop easily from one rock to the next until you reach the small island. You make your way to the centre of the island, sit down, and close your eyes. At the centre of the island which is at the centre of the pond you let your entire body relax as you enjoy the warmth of the sun.

Stay with this image as long as you like.


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