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Cavern Bath

Visualization for dissolving emotional energy

Picture yourself standing in a small cavern. The opening to this chamber, which leads to a much larger cave system, is covered by a lovely tapestry, providing you with privacy. In the far corner of the room there is a pool of water being fed by a small waterfall.

Now activate an emotion that you would like to let go of. You can do this by thinking about a situation that matches the feeling, but once the emotion comes up, forget about the circumstances or people involved and just focus on the feeling.

Next, visualize yourself getting into the pool and moving to sit under the small waterfall. The water is the perfect temperature for you, and it’s just deep enough so that sitting down it comes up to your shoulders.

Imagine yourself sitting under the falling water, which feels wonderful against your skin. You look at the water, and slowly begin to see that it is both a liquid and an intelligent, harmonious energy. As the healing water washes over you, its energy dissolves the the energy of the emotion you wish to let go of, carrying it down into the pool and eventually deep into the Earth.

Stay with this image as long as you like.

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