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Weekly Meditations Done for Groups

When you receive a Hold With Love (HWL) Meditation the intentional focus amplifies the frequencies of Love in your space. Through resonance, this then amplifies the frequencies of Love within you.

I do weekly HWL Meditations for groups of up to 15 people. The meditations are done offline. Before I do each meditation, I send an email to all group members to let them know when I am going to start.

Love for All by Abueng Naledi

There is nothing you need to do. I do the meditations and you simply receive.

If you would like to join a group, please email me and include your first name and which group you would like to join.

There are currently two groups to choose from: Midweek Pick Up (Wednesday mornings) and TGIF (Friday afternoons).

Does the Amount of Love Energy Available Decrease As More People Join?

Love Light – GS artwork by Abueng Naledi

The amplification of love for each group member is not affected by the number of people in the group. Doing the meditation for the group increases the amplitude of Love in the group’s space regardless of how many members there are. This is just like if you and some friends were sitting around a fire and three more friends joined your circle. You would not experience a corresponding reduction in heat.

It is not that there is a finite amount of Love energy flowing from me to the group that then gets divided up. It is that in doing the meditation, I create a point of focus and subsequently a space of amplified love. All those in this space, through resonance, can then experience the amplification of Love within their own energy fields.

I limit the size of the groups to 15 people only for the sake of manageability.


Prices are in Canadian currency and tax (HST 13%) is included.

Please wait until your spot in a group is confirmed before paying.