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Breathing With Trees

Visualization for tuning in to natural abundance

Imagine yourself sitting in a small clearing in the centre of a great forest. The trees in these woods are old, some having spent thousands of years on Earth. The trunks of these great trees encircle the clearing, and their branches weave together far above your head, forming a canopy consisting of every shade of green you can imagine.

You sit for some time in quiet looking around you. As time passes, the bright afternoon gives way to dusk.

As the sunlight fades, a soft glow becomes visible throughout the forest. Tiny rivers of silver light flow up from the base of the trunks, across the branches, and into the leaves, giving each tree a network of silver veins. Eventually, the sun sets completely and these silver streams are the only source of light.

Visualize yourself sitting up straight and taking deep breaths. The air is light and clear, infused with the energy of the trees and their silver light. Each breath in brings the oxygen that your body needs into your lungs, nourishing and refreshing your being.

And as you breath out you in turn provide the trees with what they need. Each full breath is a give and take between you and the trees, making you a part of the natural cycle of abundance in this ancient forest. You are provided with what you need as you provide others with what they need.

Stay with this image as long as you like.


See YouTube Video