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Emotions and Light

Visualization for feeling a desired emotion

Visualize yourself sitting cross-legged on the floor in the place you feel the most comfortable in your home. Take a deep breath and bring to mind an emotion you wish to feel. What colour first comes to mind mind as you sit with that emotion? Visualize that colour filling the room, surrounding you and bathing you in its light. Stay with this image for a while. Now see this first beautiful light being absorbed from the space you are in and into your physical body until all of the light is contained within you. Take another nice, deep breath. What second colour represents this emotion to you? What comes to mind? Is it a slightly different shade of the first or a different colour altogether? Do two or even three more colours come to mind?Imagine the bright light of this second colour (or colours) filling the space around you. The first colour shines from within and the second colour baths you from without. And as you are illuminated from within and without, feel the emotion as best as you can. Stay with this image as long as you like.