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The Seed Becomes

A nature-themed visualization

Imagine yourself a seed. Small and slightly oval in shape you lie in the dry earth. You know you will become more, but you are happy now as you are. You enjoy the feeling of being nestled in the warm, dry dirt.

There is a slight disturbance above you, and you feel the dirt around you begin to change. Now there is a welcome cool dampness to the earth as the dry dirt becomes mud. Feel yourself drawing the water and other nutrients from the surrounding earth into your seed body.

It is time for a change. You push your first tiny root from your body and then another. Slowly but steadily you extend these slender legs out into the earth around you. Feel yourself becoming stable as more nutrients flow to you.

With your position within Mother Earth secure, you begin to grow a new extension of yourself, your stem body. With your beautiful network of roots holding you securely, you push and grow upwards until at last you feel air and sunlight.

Feel your stem body continuing to grow taller and stronger. Eventually you become strong enough to support emerald green leaves along your stem. These leaves capture the gifts of the sun, nourishing you even more deeply. As your stem body grows up towards the sun, your roots continue to push further out into the earth, holding you steady.

Finally, you halt your upward growth and at the top of your sturdy stem body you form a bud. This bud grows steadily bigger as you funnel nutrients from the rest of your being to it.

Now, you feel ready. Your bud opens to the air, and you turn your face, a delicate -looking flower of your own unique colour, to the sky. As the Earth was your home, you become a home for other small creatures. As the Earth and sun nourished you, you nourish others with your sweet nectar.

Stay with this image as long as you like.