Exercise for releasing emotional energy
Updated August 5, 2021
Before you step into the shower think of a situation or issue that occured recently in which you didn’t feel the way you want to feel. It can be anything like embarrassment at being late for work, losing your temper with a family member, frustration from dealing with grumpy people, or disappointment from your favourite team losing.
Hold the feeling lightly within you, without judgement, blame, or self recrimination, and start your shower.
Water is energy, just like everything else. The energy of water nourishes us, and can also dissolve energy frequencies or patterns that are not in harmony with our energy fields.
As you shower, keep bringing back the feeling you wish to let go of. You will feel it dissipating as the water runs over you.
After you step out of the shower, bring the situation to mind once more. Do you still feel the same way about it? If yes, is it the same intensity? If no, what do you feel now?
For a visualization similar to this exercise check out Cavern Bath.