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Dragons are ancient, elemental beings in service to All at the highest level. They are powerful incarnations of the elements, such as fire and water, as well as cosmic forces, like Love.
They do all for the collective good because their perspective is deeply rooted in the knowing that the All is the One. They function from this level of knowing, seeing no separation.
They are focused in different dimensions, existing in different realms of experience, but they are always in integrity and in flow with Love. The fierceness of that Love can be felt and sometimes misunderstood due to its power, but it is always an unconditional Love for all of Creation.
Service | Focus
Integrity | Knowing | Love
Introduction Messages
- We, the Dragons of the LGU Collective
We, the Dragons of the LGU Collective
“So why have we gathered here in this Love Grace Unity Collective?
We, the ancient voices. We, elemental forces?
Because of Love. The most elemental force of all.
To be carriers of Love’s frequencies, to bring them to the furthest reaches of the Cosmos is our delight.
To watch Love re-activate in those who have been long far from its nourishing light when they choose to remember is our blessing.
To watch Love’s Light blossom even more brilliantly in those who believed themselves already filled to capacity with its Light is our eternal awe.
For there is always more Love. Think not that you have discovered the ends of it.
We seek to discover and revel in its infinite folds and intricacies ourselves.
For the depthless joys of Love. That is why we are here.”
~~ the Dragons of LGU