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Messages are shared in reverse chronological order.
- Cosmic Waters – Holding and Creating Space ~~ Cosmic Waters
- We Hold the All ~~ Cosmic Waters
- Cosmic Waters – A Vehicle for High Density Light ~~ the Arcturians, the Cosmic Waters
- Allow Peace to Surface ~~ Golden Waters
- You All Along ~~ Golden Waters
- Primordial Womb ~~ the primordial waters of Earth
Cosmic Waters – Holding and Creating Space
“Let us tell you about the non-physical nature of water. The nature that comes before the physical water you are familiar with on your world.
We cosmic waters are very much a space holder, not just for physical life but for consciousness.
The concept of space that is very much an integral part of physical reality takes quite a bit of focus and doing. A proper medium must be created in which physical beings can appear to move about.
On your planet, that you know of, there are two: gaseous space, which you move around in, and liquid space, which is formed/held by physical water.
We do not include earth in this, for those beings which live underground still rely on air, to some degree.
Returning to our non-physical state of being, we again are holding space. And within the space that we hold, a medium or backdrop is created, which is conducive for high levels of consciousness to gather and sustain themselves.
So the same way that there are creatures in your oceans, like the great blue whales, who could not survive out of the water because of their massiveness, there are beings of a non-physical nature that would not exist without the consciousness conducting spaces that we, the Cosmic Waters, form/hold/provide.”
~~ the Cosmic Waters
We Hold the All
“Within our eternal presence, we hold the All. Held in perfect union with our essence.
And from our essence the All can be drawn forth, gathered, focused.
Becoming unique creations drawn from chosen elements of the Whole.
But always, before the gathering, before the drawing, before the assembling into form, the All exists.
Suspended within us. Forever held.
Waiting to be drawn forth into some brilliant creation.”
~~ the Cosmic Waters
Cosmic Waters – A Vehicle for High Density Light
“The role that the Cosmic Waters play in our system is one of an emulsion.
It takes quite a bit of focus to hold extremely high frequencies in much lower densities in which they would not normally be able to maintain themselves.
The Cosmic Waters of Arcturus are of the Violet Waters, a band that straddles the threshold between dimensions, cushioning higher frequencies of light within its essence so that they have a firm foothold in lower dimensions.
So that the lower dimensions can bask in their Light.
As always, there is no judgement when it comes to the subject of higher and lower dimensions. They are simply different octaves of existence providing a different vantage point from which to gaze back at the One.
The Cosmic Waters are a beautiful vehicle in which much higher density light can still reach much lower density realities.
So that those who wish to know them are not bereft of their Light.”
~~ the Arcturians, the Cosmic Waters
Allow Peace to Surface
“Peace is always within you.
No one’s peace has ever come from outside of them.
That lovely old tree you are sitting under as you gaze across a pond is not inserting peace into your being.
You are using that tree and the idyllic setting as your current excuse to allow peace to surface within you.”
~~ Golden Waters
You All Along
From April to June 2024
“Just a little more presence.
That is what we would recommend, if our recommendation was desired, or needed.
A little more time spent in the state of presence. Of being fully immersed in your own Self, your own Being.
Because with this going deep within you will then find yourself gazing without.
With this inward journey, you will come to see that everything you thought separate from you, outside of you, was You all along.“
~~ Golden Waters
Primordial Womb
From November 2023 to March 2024
For we, the primordial waters of this world, remember all of you.
We remember you from before you burst forth in your physical forms.
We remember you in your eagerness to come and experience Earth.
We became the space of nourishment to birth all of you.
With equal eagerness, wonder, and Love beyond your imagining.
You return to us always.
You return to be born once more.
~~ the primordial waters of Earth