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Angelic Light – 2024

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July to December 2024

  • Ascending to the Angelic Realms ~ Archangel Metatron
  • The Nature of Lies ~ Archangel Chamuel
  • To Fall in Love ~ Archangel Ariel (<<< jump to this message)
  • Time Is a Whirlpool ~ Archangel Ariel
  • Let Love Seep In ~ Archangel Chamuel

April to June 2024

  • The Slightest Change ~ Grace Elohim
  • The Ocean in a Thimble ~ Grace Elohim
  • Fractal of the Eternal ~ Grace Elohim
  • Ego Remembrance ~ Grace Elohim
  • Saturate Your Field With Love ~ Archangel Ariel (<<< jump to this message)
  • Love For This One, Not That One ~ Archangel Chamuel
  • Love in the Now ~ Archangel Chamuel
  • Saturate Your Now With Love ~ Archangel Chamuel

January to March 2024

  • Pump Up the Volume of Compassion ~ Archangel Chamuel
  • Love Is the Force of Creation ~ Archangel Chamuel
  • Relationships and Moving Out of Old Patterns ~ Archangel Michael
  • Now Outside of Linear Time ~ Archangel Ariel
  • Let All Things Flow ~ Archangel Metatron

November to December to 2023

  • Even When You See No Love Around You ~ Archangel Chamuel

July to December 2024

Ascending to the Angelic Realms

From October to December 2024

“You wish to know how you can ascend to the angelic realms?

We say, you are already here.

A frustrating response? We understand.

We understand your frustration at not being able to see realities and Truths that are not only all around you but within you.

And yet, that is the journey you all chose for yourselves. To explore Creation, for the briefest while, without infinite knowing. Without the perspective of Whole Love.

So we say to you again, you are already here with us in the angelic realms.

And we relish the time to come when you again remember.”

~~ Archangel Metatron

The Nature of Lies

From October to December 2024

“Lies are interesting constructs of your reality.

We realize that for many of you lies are the opposite of truth. Another interesting idea.

From our perspective, Truth has no opposite. Truth is.

So then what is a lie?

What is a lie when we find ourselves in an infinite Universe, of unending realities unfolding?

Even this questioning provokes hesitation, a drawing back. Be aware of this. Be aware of your definitions that you have grown so very attached to. 

Be aware of any definition you carry that demands that it not be challenged or looked at in any way.

And with your awareness, if you are still for a moment, comes your wisdom.

But, back to lies.

Let us look at this Truth: You exist.

So, if you accept this as Truth, then you would take the next step and create what you think must be a lie: You do not exist.

But is this a lie? If you were to hold this fully at the higher levels of existence, if you were to Be this, Become this, you would indeed create for yourself, within yourself, an experience, a state, of non-existence.

But here we get to the point of it. This experienced state of non-existence, whether it lasts seemingly a moment or a lifetime, is temporary. It is unmaintainable. It is incapable of sustaining itself. 

For to experience this state of non-existence, you would need the powerful creative forces of existence.

And so this is how we would define a lie, if we were to define it. A lie is a construct incapable of sustaining itself. A construct that requires, though on the surface it may seem to negate or reject it, the fractal of Truth from which it sprang.

A lie cannot exist without using Truth to breathe life into itself.

And now back to the common idea of a lie on your planet.

The concept of one thing being a fact and thus anything other than that being a lie is one that we would say it may serve you to reflect upon.

An example. If you were wearing a blue shirt in your reality and you declared that you were wearing a yellow shirt, most humans would call this a lie.

But in a parallel reality, another moment of Creation, there is indeed a version of you wearing a yellow shirt. There is another parallel reality where a version of you is wearing a yellow shirt and never even bought the blue shirt.

Do you see? To declare that you are wearing a yellow shirt in the company of Beings only capable of seeing one version of Creation in which you are wearing a blue one, is said to be a lie.

But it is Truth that all of you are multidimensional Beings. And your True Self is aware of you wearing the blue shirt, you wearing the yellow shirt, you wearing no shirt, all at once.

Do you see that your definition of what a lie is, this “factually true” and “factually not true” concept that many hold on your planet, is completely dependent on limited view? Of taking one sliver of our multidimensional Universe, and declaring that one sliver to be true and every other sliver to be false.

We will ask if you find it serves you to negate entire swaths of Creation.”

~~ Archangel Chamuel 

To Fall in Love

From October to December 2024

“To ’fall in love’ and be completely immersed in those frequencies is to shift closer to the One Point.

That falling feeling is the falling into your centre, your core.

It is re-orienting yourself, if only for a brief time, and seeing another from that centre of Love within you.

It is a losing of yourself in your own Love, which you are allowing on account of another.

And if that other is also falling into themselves, you will resonate off of one another, reaching greater depths than you usually would on your own.

But another person is not needed. You can find this helpful resonance sitting by a great tree or bubbling stream.

Let nature resonate in Love with you.”

~~ Archangel Ariel

Time is a Whirlpool

From October to December 2024

“We would not describe time as a spiral, exactly, although that analogy serves you better than the linear time view.

We would say time is a whirpool. Whirlpools centred around points of focus, functions, Beings.

Time is something that is created, drawn in with intention. 

Without intentions, functions, purpose, there is no time. All is still. All is Present.

Time is the drawing in and forming of the great Present moment.

That is how we would describe time to you.

Time is not one thing that all experience in the way same. We all have our own experience of time. Even amongst the people in your reality, you are not all experiencing time the same way.

Because your individual whirpools are different. Different radiuses, different strengths, different magnetic pulls, vortexes spinning at different speeds and many more factors.

You have all agreed to the shared experience of linear time, but even with that agreement you are all still experiencing this straight bar of befores and afters that you call linear time in your own particular ways.

You have much more freedom than you generally think.

You are not bound by time the way many of you think you are.”

~~ Archangel Ariel

Let Love Seep In

From July to September 2024

“You are not reaching for the feeling of Love as if it is some elusive spirit.

The energy of Love is all around you. Always.

Simply allow it to seep in, to reach every corner of your Being.

If you wish, to help, imagine Love as a soft green light. Breath in deeply and with each exhale see the soft green light of Love permeating your body, permeating your energy field, slowly seeping in until it reaches your core.

Do not underestimate the power of your imagination. With this tool, you can create the environments, the temperaments  within your Being to allow and nurture your desires.

So, imagine the soft green light of Love seeping into your being until its glow reaches every part of you.”

~~ Archangel Chamuel

April to June

The Slightest Change

From April to June 2024

“To say that what you know yourself as affects our entire Universe is not exaggeration or arrogance.

It is only a simple understanding of patterns within patterns. Fractals becoming. A change in the tiniest fractal of this ever expanding, vast, harmonious pattern that is our Universe, must affect the Whole.

It can be no other way.”

~~ Grace Elohim

The Ocean in a Thimble

From April to June 2024

“Imagine, if you will, the Ocean of Earth, in all of its vastness, pouring itself unceasingly into a thimble.

And through the walls of this thimble, through its dimples and cracks, bursting out  in all directions.

Would not every spray, every wave, every shape, born from the unique pattern of cracks of the thimble still be of the Ocean?

The Ocean temporarily holding forms shaped by the basic structure of the thimble?

At least in the beginning. But the further away from the centre, the thimble, they spread, the more these tiny waves interact with each other, merge with one another.

Beautiful complexities born from a simple pattern, a simple foundational structure.”

~~ Grace Elohim

Fractal of the Eternal

From April to June 2024

“Remember what you are.

Who you are is a story, ever changing.

What you are is a fractal of the Eternal, both ever changing and never changing.

Embrace the paradox. Of being a finite being and an infinite one simultaneously, always.”

~~ Grace Elohim

Ego Remembrance

From April to June 2024

“Instead of Ego Death we would call it Ego Remembrance.

Instead of battling it, seeking to destroy it and leave it behind, support it. Support it in re-membering its True Nature.

Help it to remember that it is a window, not a walled city.

A perfectly transparent window that allows Source Light to flow through it without distortion, without hindrance.

A window providing Source with its own beautifully unique perspective of All That Is.”

~~ Grace Elohim

Saturate Your Field With Love

From April to June 2024

“And so, yet another message of Love.

Allow the saturation of your Being, your energy field, with the frequencies of Love.

As parched earth drinks in the rains, returning to a state of itself being able to provide nourishment once more, allow yourself to drink in the energy of Love.

And, as with all things, what benefits you will benefit all that you touch.

Every person or animal you interact with, every group you are a part of, every action you take will be nourished with Love through you.

As moist earth nourishes that which grows from it.”

~~ Archangel Ariel

Love For This One, Not That One

From April to June 2024

If your Love comes and goes, it is not because of anything they are doing.

If your Love waxes and wanes, it is not because of anything they are doing.

This concept that some are deserving of Love and others are not is one of the most peculiar ones on your planet. You’ve brought competition and comparison, judgement and condemnation even to this fundamental, pure force of Creation.

At least, you did in the past. Will you continue to do so?”

 ~~ Archangel Chamuel

Love in the Now

From April to June 2024

“What does Love feel like Now?

Do not box Love in to limited definitions or how it felt to you once long ago. 

Experience Love Now as you are Now.”

~~ Archangel Chamuel

Saturate Your Now With Love

From April to June 2024

“Saturate your Now moment with Love.

Your conscious minds have you convinced that dwelling on the past or trying to mentally arrange the future is important and necessary. That this mental whirling will keep you safe and happy.

But what you call your past and your future are relative to Now. They are being formed from Now, being remembered from Now.

So saturate your Now with Love.

Try it for a little while, and see how things shift and unfold.”

~~ Archangel Chamuel

January to March 2024

Pump Up the Volume of Compassion

From November 2023 to March 2024

“Choose compassion in the quiet, peaceful moments of your day, and you’ll find it easier to choose compassion in the more challenging ones. 

When you intentionally choose compassion, you turn up the volume of that frequency within your Being. 

As compassion’s volume turns up, you’ll slip into that frequency more easily, more often. It will have more energy, more power.

And you’ll begin to find that you won’t have to fight as hard to bite your tongue as often. 

Be patient with yourselves. Rome was not built in a day, as you say.”

~~ Archangel Chamuel

Love Is the Force of Creation

From November 2023 to March 2024

“Love is the force of Creation.

Do you not see how many works of art, poems, plays, landscapes, buildings, and countless other things you have created in its name?

It is not happenstance that even those of you who do not consider yourselves to be creative or remotely artistic feel compelled to dance, sing, paint, and compose music as odes to your beloved while in the grips of it.”

~~ Archangel Chamuel

Relationships and Moving Out of Old Patterns

From November 2023 to March 2024

“So, you have beloved friends, people whose company you enjoy so much. But much of the time you spent together in the past was immersed in an energy pattern you no longer wish to continue.

And you find yourself falling back into this behaviour you wish to no longer continue each time you’re around them. Back into familiar patterns of exchanging energy.

Every relationship you have is an exchange of energy. And every exchange has a frequency signature that your system becomes accustomed to, even if the exchange is one you do not desire.

In addition to this, you often have fears of the relationship ending without this energy pattern there to support it.

We understand your fears. Your social networks are so dear to you. So many of you hold them as part of your identity even, so the possibility of losing a relationship becomes equated to losing a part of yourself.

We so wish to convey to you that your relationships do not end in the way that humans believe they do. Yes, you may no longer meet or speak to that person in your physical reality, but even your closest relationships are simply a reflection of an aspect of your Being, your Soul.

You fear the loss of a relationship if you no longer continue a pattern of behaviour upon which that relationship was based in the past. 

We put forward that what you truly fear is the loss of that part of yourself that the seemingly external relationship was a reflection of.

What will you be if you no longer engage in this pattern? Who will you be without it?

It may feel like a loss, but it is a shifting. A de-emphasizing of one aspect of yourself that then creates space. Space for others aspects of your being to come to the forefront, to receive more energy.

As you grow and expand, you do not leave old aspects of yourself behind as you leave clothes you are no longer wearing behind you on the floor. 

Those aspects are part of you, even if you no longer express their patterns and behaviours. They receive less of your direct conscious energy and take up less space within your Being, but they are there, now integrated into the whole in a more balanced and harmonious way that serves you.

So, do not fear the apparent ending of relationships as you grow and expand, leaving certain patterns and behaviours behind.

Shift your focus to the space you are creating for beautiful, soul-affirming relationships for which you currently have no room.

See that you are creating new relationships, or even nourishing the growth and  transformation of existing ones, rather than ending old ones.”

~~Archangel Michael

Now Outside of Linear Time

From November 2023 to March 2024

“And so time moves through you.

Events don’t happen to you. They happen through you. 

You give birth to them.

You select from infinite moments which ones you will string together to experience as events and circumstances. And then you string these strings together to experience as your Life.

Movement occurs in this way. Growth occurs in this way.

All Change occurs in this way.

Your perception of time is based on how you have chosen to experience these strings of moments.

Some beings perceive the entire string all at once. Others have chosen to experience each string one moment after another. 

But regardless of how you choose to perceive the infinite moments that make up this infinite Universe, know that these moments are always there, all existing, all at once.

Linear time is simply how you have chosen to experience the Infinite.”

~~ Archangel Ariel

Let All Things Flow

From November 2023 to March 2024

“Hold not your sorrows.

Hold not your joys.

Let all things flow.”

~~ Archangel Metatron


Even When You See No Love Around You

From November 2023 to March 2024

”Love. Even when you see no Love around you.”

~~ Archangel Chamuel