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Wisdom of Angelic Light

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Messages in Wisdom of Angelic Light come from a great many different beings, including the Archangels and Elohims.


Messages from Angelic Light

Introduction Messages

  • Ascending to the Angelic REalms

Ascending to the Angelic Realms

“You wish to know how you can ascend to the angelic realms?

We say, you are already here.

A frustrating response? We understand.

We understand your frustration at not being able to see realities and Truths that are not only all around you but within you.

And yet, that is the journey you all chose for yourselves. To explore Creation, for the briefest while, without infinite knowing. Without the perspective of Whole Love.

So we say to you again, you are already here with us in the angelic realms.

And we relish the time to come when you again remember.”

~~ Archangel Metatron