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Wisdom of Andromedan Light

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  • Your Ocean Will Remind You ~~ Andromedans of the LGU Collective
  • For the Love of Self ~~ my True Self


  • Where Are My Promised External Shifts? ~~ Andromedan and Arcturian aspects of me
  • True Self vs Higher Self ~~ my True Self
  • Wishing to Feel Right ~~ my True Self
  • Realize Your World ~~ my True Self
  • The Frequencies of Flowers ~~ the Andromedans of the LGU
  • From False Powerlessness to True Freedom ~~ my True Self
  • The Waters of Our World Are One ~~ the Pleiadians, Andromedans, and Sirians of the LGU


Your Ocean Will Remind You

From February 2025

“Our world has a great ocean too.

You may have given yours different names, but it is all One.

A lovely physical representation and reminder of the ocean of non-physical energy that is our Universe, is it not?

You can stand on one shore and know that the same ocean before you is also touching distant lands.

Many of you are seeking to know, we would say to remember, Oneness. 

We say, look to your Ocean.

She will remind you.”

~~ the Andromedans of the LGU Collective

For the Love of Self

From February 2025

“It is such an interesting thing for us to see you come into your own.

To see ourselves come into our own.

When you begin to see through the thin, fabricated scaffolding of belief systems that serve you no longer. When you begin to turn first and foremost to your own knowing over that of external sources you once held dear.

With this dismantling, with this turning within, you return home to Wholeness.

And this is the answer to your most frequently asked questions in moments when this infinite Universe seems to you to be presenting you with no options, no hope, no Love.

Why am I here? Why would I come here? Why would I leave infinite Love for this place of easy suffering?

And though we understand the question and why you ask it, we know also the answer. The answer that you know as well, but have oh so briefly forgotten.

For the return to Wholeness. For the charting of the way never travelled/experienced by another.

For the Love of Self and our infinite nature.”

~~ my True Self


Where Are My Promised External Shifts?

From October to December 2024

“When you feel you are making the internal energetic shifts but nothing seems to be changing in your external reality, it can be frustrating.

Please allow us to remind you of just how much energy is required to make even 1 gram of mass in your reality. There is a rather famous equation that will give you the precise numbers.

May we also remind you that when you pluck the string of a guitar that string does not instantly stop moving the moment your finger moves away. It continues to vibrate for a while until the energy is used up and it is silent once more.

So, you have these two factors. That even though you have stopped focusing on some pattern you no longer wish to perpetuate it still has energy and will continue to vibrate, and manifest, though at diminishing capacities. And that for your new frequencies and pattern to manifest in physical reality they need to acquire a certain mass of energy, pass a certain threshold to breakthrough and be realized.

Add to this that the old pattern will create destructive interference for the new pattern if they are of dissonant resonance, breaking up its momentum, shall we say, for a while.

There are other factors, but if you keep these three in mind, perhaps you will find it easier to be at ease for a while longer? The feeling of ease is of far greater help to your manifesting efforts.

You are all doing so incredibly well.

We thank you.”

~~ an Arcturian and an Andromedan aspect of me

True Self vs Higher Self

From October to December 2024

“We appreciate your desire to understand more of your nature.

What you call your Higher Self is the highest version of you. The You that embodies the frequencies you wish to embody, experiences your heart’s desire, and radiates infinite Love, wisdom, and Source Light.

Your Higher Self is the highest version of the you currently reading this message and living life on the planet you know as Earth.

But there are other versions of you, living their own lives, making their own choices on Earths that are very similar to or completely different from the Earth you find yourself on.

And there are other aspects of you. You may recall memories of a lifetime in Atlantis or ancient Egypt, in present day Sweden or the Pleiades. As a dragon, as a dolphin, as a tree.

All of these versions of you, all of these aspects of you, and so much more, are your True Self. Your Whole Self.

Your Higher Self is one facet of a facet of an ethereal crystal, and that crystal, that Being living all of these versions and aspects of you, and also having its own experiences and expansion through all of you/those facets and projections, is your True Self.

Does it matter if you set the intention to connect to your Higher Self or your True Self? No, not really. Your Higher Self is the version of you without distortions, the You that radiates the light of your True Self in full integrity.

Your Higher Self’s perspective is your True Self’s light shining through one facet. Shinning through one window of a house with countless windows.

Regardless of what label you give all of these parts, all of these perspectives, they are all just You at the end of the day.”

~~ my True Self, a non-physical Andromedan

Wishing to Feel Right

From July to September 2024

“Do you wish to feel right?

Then you’ll need to create situations where the other is wrong. 

You’ll also need to reinforce the idea of the other within you, deepen separation.

This is a completely valid choice. And you are free to make it.

There are many choices.

In another choice, you can ask yourself what the feeling of you being right and an other being wrong brings you. How it benefits you. How it contributes to the relationship dynamics and personal growth that you want.

What patterns and beliefs are you willing to maintain in your being to nurture the feeling of being absolutely in the right?”

~~ my True Self

Realize Your World

From July to September 2024

“Everything exists. You pull forth from the Infinite your thoughts and experiences.

You realize them. Make them real. Give them form.

Please realize that what you realize is real for you. True for you.

Realizing is a highly personal experience. 

What you realize leads to the shaping of all in your world.

Others are realizing their own experiences. You can adopt their realizations as yours, if you wish, and then realize them in your experience as well.

Or you can realize something else. The choice is always yours. ”

~~ my True Self

The Frequencies of Flowers

From The LGU Collective – Messages Up Until September 2024

“Ohh, the Rose. Her mysteries. 

The lilies. Such divinity.

Our Lemurian friends spoke to you of the touch point of water sometime ago in your linear time. 

May you now allow us to tell you of flowers.

The flowers of Earth loving hold such beautiful intentions. They playfully, and rather symbolically, unfurl and sign their silent songs into the weavings of your planet.

They convey the messages, the precious frequencies, of each of their collectives and relay them through the veil, translating them across the physical spectrum.

For all to hear. For all to taste. For all to see and touch. 

For all to breathe in to their very beings.

They do this tirelessly, season after season.

They sing with such passion, such delicate, tiny might, giving their all. Supported by water, the sun, and Earth herself.

If you listen, you’ll hear each of their songs in nature’s great symphony.

They unfurl and bloom just as their song, their precious frequencies, can unfold and expand once again within you, within your consciousness. Taking root.

They give of themselves. They give of their essence. 

Season after season.

A remembrance.”

~~ the Pleiadians, Andromedans, and Sirians of LGU

From False Powerlessness to True Freedom

From November 2023 to March 2024

“When you finally allow the realization that you have no control over what other people are doing or what they are thinking about you, you can be hit by a sense of false powerlessness.

I say false because the idea of controlling the thoughts and behaviour of others by whatever means (manipulation, threats, cajoling, hierarchical systems, convincing them of your worth, begging, etc) was never a possibility to begin with.

That is never where your power lies.

But when it first dawns on you that nothing in your bag of tricks can force another human to do, or not do, the thing you want, there is a sense of loss and fear.

Because wanting to control others is always about fear.

No matter what reasons you use, fear is at the root of it, beneath it all.

Are you willing to take this great leap away from one of your biggest fear-based behaviours?

When you do, you’ll no longer be affected by any of these phrases.

‘I have no control over what others think about me.’

‘I have no control over what others say about me.’

‘I have no control over whether others choose to be in my world.’

When you can say those without squirming internally, what freedom you’ll feel.

Freedom is one thing you say you want.

But how can you experience freedom while simultaneously believing, hoping, that you have power over others in some way?

Because if that is true, then you automatically make it a possibility that others can have power over you.

Freedom begins to come with the deep realization that you have no power over anyone.

And so no one has power over you.”

~~ my True Self

The Waters of Our World Are One

From The LGU Collective – Messages Up Until September 2024

“The waters of our worlds are one.

Within their shimmering depths are keys, codes, and remembrance.

Sit with them and come to know them. Gaze into them and know the depths of your own being.

Whether you do this by physically going to large bodies of water on your planet or energetically with your mind’s eye makes no difference.

Let these water meditations seep knowing into deeper levels of your being.”

~~ the Andromedans of LGU