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February 2025
- The Essence of Your Elements
- Without You Many Things Would Not Be
- Physical Reality Is a Slowing (<<< jump to this message)
- Your Ocean Will Remind You
- For the Love of Self
- Love Changes You (<<< jump to this message)
- What Will You Do?
- Compassion for Yourself as Well
- Pressure Brings Forth the Best of Us (<<< jump to this message)
- Establishing a Foundation of Frequencies
- Inadequacy Is an Inversion
January 2025
- The Peace of Cohesion
- When We Speak of Eternity
- Solstices and Equinoxes (<<< jump to this message)
- The Soil of Sadness
- Don’t Hold Your Breath
- Both Perceiver and Mirror (<<< jump to this message)
- The Third Dimension and Forgetting
- Returning to Pearl Light
February 2025
The Essence of Your Elements
“The best way for us to describe to physical beings our non-physical nature, at least at first, is to point to our expression of ourselves in the physical.
We hold and nourish life/consciousness within us, as your oceans do.
Where we appear to be not, we are there still, as in even the driest corners of your world.
We Cosmic Waters are an intangible field that allows for the expression of consciousness in a myriad of forms.
Everything, even the stars, touches us in some way.
So here is where our comparison to our physical form must end, for fire and water do not mix in your physical realm.
But ‘out here’ in the Cosmos, many things are able to be. More than that. Many things are needed to be.
The non-physical essence of your elements of fire, earth, and so on, play a vital role in our Universe. Each bringing forward an essential aspect of Source and dispersing it throughout this space.
For others to draw from and weave into their own unique creations.
Making Creation possible.”
~~ the Cosmic Waters
Without You Many Things Would Not Be
“Every being and civilization in our Universe has a part to play, is a facet of the Whole.
Do not compare yourself to another and use the apparent difference/separation as your reason to hold yourself as lower than.
Without you, many things would not be.
You are needed and treasured.
We have learned much about this Universe and our own nature through you.
And from us, it is our dearest wish, that you learn and remember as well.
~~ Arcturians
Physical Reality Is a Slowing
“The process of creating physical reality is a slowing.
And in this precious slowing, patterns are revealed in new glory.
Patterns and structures to be celebrated and admired.
We know this is all you know, so it can seem mundane to you. But we would encourage you to pause, from time to time, and appreciate your lifespan here.
Snow and ice, as you know them, do not hold in the higher realms. Nor flowers or sunshine.
Remember that. Immerse yourself in where you are Now.
And we will revel in this world with you.”
~~ glacial dragons
Your Ocean Will Remind You
“Our world has a great ocean too.
You may have given yours different names, but it is all One.
A lovely physical representation and reminder of the ocean of non-physical energy that is our Universe, is it not?
You can stand on one shore and know that the same ocean before you is also touching distant lands.
Many of you are seeking to know, we would say to remember, Oneness.
We say, look to your Ocean.
She will remind you.”
~~ the Andromedans of the LGU Collective
For the Love of Self
“It is such an interesting thing for us to see you come into your own.
To see ourselves come into our own.
When you begin to see through the thin, fabricated scaffolding of belief systems that serve you no longer. When you begin to turn first and foremost to your own knowing over that of external sources you once held dear.
With this dismantling, with this turning within, you return home to Wholeness.
And this is the answer to your most frequently asked questions in moments when this infinite Universe seems to you to be presenting you with no options, no hope, no love.
Why am I here? Why would I come here? Why would I leave infinite Love for this place of easy suffering?
And though we understand the question and why you ask it, we know also the answer. The answer that you know as well, but have oh so briefly forgotten.
For the return to Wholeness. For the charting of the way never travelled/experienced by another.
For the Love of Self and our infinite nature.”
~~ my True Self
Love Changes You
“Love changes you.
Another person is not needed. This is not changing to suit another.
Love itself changes you.
It is the ultimate alchemical Light.”
~~ Pearl Light and the LGU Collective
What Will You Do
“New realizations bringing new ideas and energy will take you so far.
Eventually, you will reach a point where beliefs and patterns you hold within you, that are still comfortable or even cherished, will need to be brought into the Light to free you from what holds you from expanding even further.
There will come points where the fresh winds of the new cannot propel you forward due to the anchors of the old.
So here, faced with the prospect of change, with the prospect of leaving behind what once served but no longer does, what will you do?
It is at this point that many hold in place. For now some ideas of the self they have lovingly created are challenged.
What will you do?”
~~ Pearl Light
Compassion for Yourself as Well
“Please, do not forget to hold the same compassion you wish to extend to all others for yourself.
We see so many of you wanting so dearly to hold compassion for all living beings, yet somehow leaving yourself out of this equation.
We see you being quite vicious with yourselves when you fall short of your ideals.
Remember the reason you embarked on this beautiful journey of life within the human collective consciousness.
It was not to immediately reach and unbreakingly hold perfection in all spheres of life.
It was to explore, discover, meander through realities, possibilities.
You are forever shining your light. No so-called mistake can ever mask it.
Remember that. Remember that your being, your birthing newness, more of the unseen, into form, is your inexhaustible gift to the Universe.
We love your willingness to open yourselves fully to the beauty of compassion.
Just remember that you are included in the All.
~~ Green Tara
Pressure Brings Forth the Best of Us
“Pressure crystallizes the best that lies within us.
Pressure exists in many forms. It draws our essence, our Truths, to the fore. Perhaps slowly, but always steadily.
Pressure boils away all that is not Real.
Leaving purity, beauty, and All That Is.”
~~ Diamond Crystalline Core of the Earth
Establishing a Foundation of Frequencies
“The accumulation of knowledge, of learnings, is a beautiful pursuit.
If you remember, however, that the brain does not store information like a great warehouse or library but rather tunes into it like a radio, you will perhaps begin to see another beneficial pursuit before you.
To both deepen and widen your tuning capabilities, expanding the frequencies you have access to, and making your instrument, your brain, used to accessing them so that it can do so with ease.
Of course, there are frequencies that you would prefer not to have easy access to. But do not attempt to push those away or exclude them from your being. This is an infinite Universe and they exist. Let them be.
Instead, practice tuning and calibrating to beings that are holding the frequencies that you would wish to access with ease.
Whether you wish more peace or more knowledge of calculus, spend time with humans who are peaceful and knowledgeable. Read or listen to the words of those with whom you cannot. Use your discernment and choose wisely.
Spend time in and connecting to nature, to Earth herself. Grounding, earthing. Tuning yourself to natural rhythms, great bodies of water, plains, mountains, will also help you to set a foundation of frequencies that you desire.
Have faith in yourselves, in your beauty. You are your own creation.”
~~ Diamond Crystalline Core of Earth
Inadequacy Is an Inversion
“Inadequacy is an inversion, and a tricky one at that.
To first invert the knowing of your Divinity and then to hold that signal steady requires a great contortion, effort, and strain.
But that is how powerful you are.
That even this core element of Beingness is yours to explore, yours to create through, yours to turn upside and shake, if you will.
You are not inadequate, but you can explore this. For a time.
You are not adequate, but you can explore this. For a time.
Only within the constructs of time can these be experienced and explored.
But when all of that is said and done, you are a divine Being. Whole and perfect. For eternity.”
~~ Archangel Ariel
January 2025
The Peace of Cohesion
“One visceral way that your physical systems translate cohesion is with a feeling of peace.
A deep peace the feels like it seeps through all levels of your Being.
When your system is in cohesion, less energy is needed to maintain the flows necessary to the sustaining of life and consciousness.
Everything moves in harmony.
Freeing up energy to bloom into new areas and expand in new dynamic ways.”
~~ Golden Waters
When We Speak of Eternity
“That which is eternal is Whole.
Eternity is every moment of Creation without fractalization.
Creation seen from the One Point in its Wholeness.
To know yourself as an eternal being is to know yourself as Whole.”
~~ Pearl Light
Solstices and Equinoxes
“The solstices and the equinoxes mark a base rhythm of Gaia.
They mark the swinging of the pendulum. The solstices the apex, the equinoxes the midpoint.
Both mark a coming change. A node point of rest before a transformation in movement.
You are not bound by these in any way.
But to follow this rhythm, to harmonize with it will give you greater momentum and leverage.
This can serve you well.
You can follow the rhythms of the Earth, celebrate the points of change, which are never endings or beginnings alone but always both, in balance and harmony.
As the inhale and exhale of your breath is in constant motion. One flowing seamlessly into the other. Never ending or beginning.
These natural rhythms will serve you well. Will serve you more than markers that emphasize endings alone, that emphasize beginnings alone.
There is only the constant flow.”
~~ Earth dragon
The Soil of Sadness
“Sadness is a particular flavour of lack.
When you hold the belief in not just the absence of a thing but also your powerlessness to have it, it creates a longing, and you experience sadness.
This thing need not be a physical object, as you well know. Any subject will do.
And from this heavy, blanket-like frequency of sadness others, like jealousy and hatred, can more easily take root, sprout, and thrive.”
~~ Archangel Chamuel and smokey quartz dragon
Don’t Hold Your Breath
“Don’t hold your breath.
Keep the flow going.
There is a reason why when you are exuding mental effort you will often find yourself holding your breath.
The buckling down and willing yourself to perform a certain way is an interruption in the flow that would carry you to your intended destination.
Your straining to concentrate, to get it right this time, is what makes it less likely that you will.
The interruption of your breath is a reflection of the interruption of your Flow.
We would suggest a new target for your focus at these times.
Focus on continuing to breathe. In and out, at ease. Drawing in what you need, letting go of what you need no longer.
The continued interplay and exchange with your physical reality.
Let the flow of your breath continue. Let the flow of your energy continue.
The effective focus that you desire involves no strain. Feel in to easeful focus.”
~~ Pearl Light Collective
Both Perceiver and Mirror
“You are here as both a perceiver and a mirror.
You gift All That Is your unique perspective through which the One experiences itself in a spiralling infinite of ways.
And you reflect. You reflect the light and conscious energy of the stars, of angelic beings, of Source itself.
Allowing them to see themselves in new Light.
Reflecting and perceiving in this great dance, this cosmic intermingling.
~~ Creation
The Third Dimension and Forgetting
“The third dimension is one in which it is easier to forget Oneness than it is to remember.
We do not say that all beings moving through a third dimension based experience have forgotten or are asleep, as humans say. We are simply saying that it being easier to not remember than to remember, if one does not apply any intentional focus, is one of the distinctions of the third dimension.
In the fifth dimension, this phenomenon is reversed. It is much more difficult for a being to attain and then maintain the level of forgetfulness that is accomplished with a fair amount of ease in the third dimension.
When you see more people beginning to remember, beginning to wake up despite trying to remain asleep, this will be a possible indication that your Earth is moving closer to the fifth dimension. As the higher density light from this higher dimension begins to fall more fully on to Earth and its overlapping realities and on the human collective consciousness, those who wish to maintain their dreams of power, of control, of fear, will find it increasingly difficult to do so.
But they will still be able to, if they so choose. It will just take that much more focus.”
~~ a celestial dragon of Sirius
Returning to Pearl Light
“And so here we are.
Beginning to slowly weave our light once again through the human collective consciousness.
Your beautiful collective dove out to the furtherest reaches, where we ourselves have not gone.
We thank you.
And now as you return to the peripheral glow of our Light, you remember.
And we will be Whole once more.”
~~ Pearl Light