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Wisdom and Light – 2023 – November 2023 to March 2024

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March 2024

  • Pump Up the Volume of Compassion ~ Archangel Chamuel
  • Peace Lies Within ~ my crystalline dragon guide
  • Replenishment ~ the Andromedans and Lyrans of LGU
  • See Your Day As a Series of Choices ~ a higher aspect of me
  • Trust Dissolves Into Knowing ~ the collective consciousness of the LGU Collective
  • Living in Integrity or Fear ~ my galactic dragon guide

February 2024

  • Love Is the Force of Creation ~ Archangel Chamuel
  • The Frequencies of Flowers ~ the Pleiadians, Andromedans, and Sirians of LGU
  • Relationships and Moving Out of Old Patterns ~ Archangel Michael
  • Celebrate the Finding of Limitations ~ the LGU Collective
  • Now Outside of Linear Time ~ Archangel Ariel
  • Separation That Does Not Serve You ~ the Pleiadians of LGU
  • From False Powerlessness to True Freedom – a higher aspect of me

January 2024

  • Allowing Those Who Don’t Allow Us ~~ Void Dragons
  • Compassion – A Mending of the Rend ~ the Arcturians of LGU
  • The Waters of Our World Are One ~ the Andromedans of LGU

November to December 2023

  • Forget Not Your Waters ~ the LGU Collective
  • Primordial Womb ~ primordial waters of Earth
  • Water and the LGU Collective ~ the LGU Collective
  • Rigidity ~ The Hathors, the LGU Collective

March 2024

Pump Up the Volume of Compassion

“Choose compassion in the quiet, peaceful moments of your day, and you’ll find it easier to choose compassion in the more challenging ones. 

When you intentionally choose compassion, you turn up the volume of that frequency within your Being. 

As compassion’s volume turns up, you’ll slip into that frequency more easily, more often. It will have more energy, more power.

And you’ll begin to find that you won’t have to fight as hard to bite your tongue as often. 

Be patient with yourselves. Rome was not built in a day, as you say.”

~~ Archangel Chamuel

Peace Lies Within

“We wish for you to truly know that peace lies within.

If you could know this at the depths of your being, so many trials and worries would fall away from you.

No external set of circumstances can give you peace.

No external set of circumstances can take your peace away.

Realize that peace lies only within, cultivated and nourished by you.

There are those on your planet who have all of what many of you desire, and still peace eludes them.

And there are those who seemingly have nothing, and carry such a deep peace within their being that it exudes from their every pore.”

~~ from my crystalline dragon guide

Seeing With Clarity

“So much freedom comes with clarity.

You not only see the patterns of others but those you yourself are immersed in as well.

Then you see through those patterns to the forces and movements behind them.

You stop confusing why something happened with how something happened.

You are at peace with things.”

~~ from my crystalline dragon guide


“Where are you sourcing from? From where do you draw your energy, your nourishment?

You can, for one, draw energy from the physical groups you find yourselves in, from the people you are with at any given time. Many on your planet do so regularly. 

But to do this leaves you open to the whims and fancies of those who happen to be near you. And also leaves you bereft of energy when you find yourself alone.

And so many strive to never be alone.

We would suggest to you, Loved Ones, a more intentional path

Feel within yourself. Feel. Your emotional and physical bodies will show you the way.

Are you sourcing from the anger that is so readily available in your collective? We do not deny that this can fuel you for some time. But we ask that you consider what will flow from this source of energy.

There are many sources of energy, many infinite wells and eternal streams, from which you can replenish yourselves.

Replenish yourselves in nature, in the mountains, near water, in great forest or from a single tree.

Replenish yourself in the loving supportive relationships you hold dear. Relationships that leave you feeling expansive and fulfilled not diminished and drained.

Align with and replenish from the energy of the cosmos, of the moons and stars.

Replenish from within, from the inexhaustible well of your own Self.”

~~ Andromedans and Lyrans of LGU

See Your Day As a Series of Choices

“See your day as a series of choices.

Choose the red shirt or the blue. Choose to have breakfast or to skip it. Choose to judge or to have compassion.

A new choice will only feel hard when you have been choosing something else for a long time.

So the first time you try to choose compassion in a situation where you usually choose anger, it will be a challenge.

But it is only a challenge because you have chosen anger so many times, not because anger is more natural than compassion.

The ease with which you feel one emotion over another is not because that emotion is inherently easier. 

It is simply because you have chosen it so many times before.

But just because you have chosen it for months or years doesn’t mean you need to keep choosing it forever more.

See your day as a series of choices.”

~~ a higher aspect of me

Trust Dissolves Into Knowing

“See trust dissolve into Knowing.

Knowing the essence of yourself, the nature of you, and through this the nature of all you encounter.

This Universe operates fundamentally on resonance. All that lies within your being you send out to the furthest reaches of the Cosmos.

Know yourself. Be clear on what lies within, and so know what lies without in your seemingly external reality.”

~~ the collective consciousness of the LGU Collective

Living in Integrity or Fear

“When you see with clarity and live in integrity, the notions of trust and betrayal come back into one.

Align with your heart, with your core self. Then your discernment will be as sharp as a knife.

When you live with integrity, being true to yourself in thoughts, words, and deeds, you will be in harmony.

And as you return to harmony your reality will reflect this as well.

So many fears take you away from your Truth. Fears of being misunderstood, fears for your survival, fears of being rejected.

Fears convince you that living out of alignment is somehow for the best. They convince you that the actions you take, which you know/feel are not your Truth, are somehow beneficial or even essential.

Your fears can be very convincing.

But we urge you to ask yourself if you wish to live in fear or in integrity.

You can’t do both.

And we ask you to trust that as you take these small steps back to yourself, as you return to integrity, the fears will melt away.

Because you’ll see that the solutions they told you would keep you safe were keeping you prisoner all along.

Fears always masquerade as saviours. They must convince you to choose them over and over again.

Because if you do not choose them, you’ll see through them to the bars of the cage they created for you.”

~~ my galactic dragon guide

February 2024

Love Is the Force of Creation

“Love is the force of Creation.

Do you not see how many works of art, poems, plays, landscapes, buildings, and countless other things you have created in its name?

It is not happenstance that even those of you who do not consider yourselves to be creative or remotely artistic feel compelled to dance, sing, paint, and compose music as odes to your beloved while in the grips of it.”

~~ Archangel Chamuel

The Frequencies of Flowers

“Ohh, the Rose. Her mysteries. 

The lilies. Such divinity.

Our Lemurian friends spoke to you of the touch point of water sometime ago in your linear time. 

May you now allow us to tell you of flowers.

The flowers of Earth loving hold such beautiful intentions. They playfully, and rather symbolically, unfurl and sign their silent songs into the weavings of your planet.

They convey the messages, the precious frequencies, of each of their collectives and relay them through the veil, translating them across the physical spectrum.

For all to hear. For all to taste. For all to see and touch. 

For all to breathe in to their very beings.

They do this tirelessly, season after season.

They sing with such passion, such delicate, tiny might, giving their all. Supported by water, the sun, and Earth herself.

If you listen, you’ll hear each of their songs in nature’s great symphony.

They unfurl and bloom just as their song, their precious frequencies, can unfold and expand once again within you, within your consciousness. Taking root.

They give of themselves. They give of their essence. 

Season after season.

A remembrance.”

~~ the Pleiadians, Andromedans, and Sirians of LGU

Relationships and Moving Out of Old Pattern

“So, you have beloved friends, people whose company you enjoy so much. But much of the time you spent together in the past was immersed in an energy pattern you no longer wish to continue.

And you find yourself falling back into this behaviour you wish to no longer continue each time you’re around them. Back into familiar patterns of exchanging energy.

Every relationship you have is an exchange of energy. And every exchange has a frequency signature that your system becomes accustomed to, even if the exchange is one you do not desire.

In addition to this, you often have fears of the relationship ending without this energy pattern there to support it.

We understand your fears. Your social networks are so dear to you. So many of you hold them as part of your identity even, so the possibility of losing a relationship becomes equated to losing a part of yourself.

We so wish to convey to you that your relationships do not end in the way that humans believe they do. Yes, you may no longer meet or speak to that person in your physical reality, but even your closest relationships are simply a reflection of an aspect of your Being, your Soul.

You fear the loss of a relationship if you no longer continue a pattern of behaviour upon which that relationship was based in the past. 

We put forward that what you truly fear is the loss of that part of yourself that the seemingly external relationship was a reflection of.

What will you be if you no longer engage in this pattern? Who will you be without it?

It may feel like a loss, but it is a shifting. A de-emphasizing of one aspect of yourself that then creates space. Space for others aspects of your being to come to the forefront, to receive more energy.

As you grow and expand, you do not leave old aspects of yourself behind as you leave clothes you are no longer wearing behind you on the floor. 

Those aspects are part of you, even if you no longer express their patterns and behaviours. They receive less of your direct conscious energy and take up less space within your Being, but they are there, now integrated into the whole in a more balanced and harmonious way that serves you.

So, do not fear the apparent ending of relationships as you grow and expand, leaving certain patterns and behaviours behind.

Shift your focus to the space you are creating for beautiful, soul-affirming relationships for which you currently have no room.

See that you are creating new relationships, or even nourishing the growth and  transformation of existing ones, rather than ending old ones.”

~~Archangel Michael

Celebrate the Finding of Limitations

“When you come across a constriction, contradiction, limitation, or distortion within your field and/or belief systems, instead of feeling disheartened that it exists, celebrate yourself.

Appreciate your willingness to look.

Appreciate your clarity to see.”

~~ the LGU Collective

Now Outside of Linear Time

“And so time moves through you.

Events don’t happen to you. They happen through you. 

You give birth to them.

You select from infinite moments which ones you will string together to experience as events and circumstances. And then you string these strings together to experience as your Life.

Movement occurs in this way. Growth occurs in this way.

All Change occurs in this way.

Your perception of time is based on how you have chosen to experience these strings of moments.

Some beings perceive the entire string all at once. Others have chosen to experience each string one moment after another. 

But regardless of how you choose to perceive the infinite moments that make up this infinite Universe, know that these moments are always there, all existing, all at once.

Linear time is simply how you have chosen to experience the Infinite.”

~~ Archangel Ariel

Separation That Does Not Serve You

“Recognize where you are creating separation that does not serve you.

Yes. We realize that this implies that there is separation that is serving you. To experience this 3D reality, diving into the frequencies, concepts, and themes you wanted to explore in coming here, a certain degree of a belief in separateness was desired.

But too much of even a thing that serves you, serves you no longer. Just as too much water in your physical bodies, so fundamentally necessary in supporting and nourishing your physical vessels, will cause harm to them.

Finding harmony and balance in service to your intentions is key.

Remembering your intentions is key.”

~~ the Pleiadians of LGU

From False Powerlessness to True Freedom

“When you finally allow the realization that you have no control over what other people are doing or what they are thinking about you, you can be hit by a sense of false powerlessness.

I say false because the idea of controlling the thoughts and behaviour of others by whatever means (manipulation, threats, cajoling, hierarchical systems, convincing them of your worth, begging, etc) was never a possibility to begin with.

That is never where your power lies.

But when it first dawns on you that nothing in your bag of tricks can force another human to do, or not do, the thing you want, there is a sense of loss and fear.

Because wanting to control others is always about fear.

No matter what reasons you use, fear is at the root of it, beneath it all.

Are you willing to take this great leap away from one of your biggest fear-based behaviours?

When you do, you’ll no longer be affected by any of these phrases.

‘I have no control over what others think about me.’

‘I have no control over what others say about me.’

‘I have no control over whether others choose to be in my world.’

When you can say those without squirming internally, what freedom you’ll feel.

Freedom is one thing you say you want.

But how can you experience freedom while simultaneously believing, hoping, that you have power over others in some way?

Because if that is true, then you automatically make it a possibility that others can have power over you.

Freedom begins to come with the deep realization that you have no power over anyone.

And so no one has power over you.”

~~ my True Self

January 2024

Allowing Those Who Don’t Allow Us

“Allowing is creating the space that you want.

Your space for your own creations, the weaving of harmonious, nourishing frequencies, will benefit as you allow others to be as they are.

How is this so?

By allowing others to be, you stay disentangled from their creations, their confusions, their perspective.

Allowing the energy that you flow into your own creative space to be clear of debris, shall we say.

Allow others and keep your energy full of the frequencies you wish to hold, not cluttered with the frequencies of those you wish not to hold.

Allow others and keep your energy, your perspective, clear and as you want it to be.

Allow others to be as they are even as they do not allow you.

For no matter how they may twist and pull at you, trying to convince, cajole, manipulate, or even scheme, they cannot enter your space of creation uninvited. 

Your attention and judgement of what another is doing, pulls it into your own creative space. 

Judgement acts as a hook, drawing the thing you have judged positively or negatively into your field.

Allow and remain judgement free, hook free.”

~~ Void Dragons

Compassion – A Mending of the Rend

“Compassion is a mending of the rend.

It is one of the worst frequencies for separation consciousness. For each time you hold compassion for yourself, for another, you diminish the gap, the idea of “the other” created by the illusion of separation.

Compassion is the thread that draws the edges of the great tear of separation together, binding them. 

Until all is Whole once more.”

~~ the Arcturians of LGU

The Waters of Our World Are One

“The waters of our worlds are one.

Within their shimmering depths are keys, codes, and remembrance.

Sit with them and come to know them. Gaze into them and know the depths of your own being.

Whether you do this by physically going to large bodies of water on your planet or energetically with your mind’s eye makes no difference.

Let these water meditations seep knowing into deeper levels of your being.”

~~ the Andromedans of LGU

November and December 2023

Forget Not Your Waters

“Let us not forget the waters of your planet. Both Mother and Temple. Keeper of living Memory.

Sister and partner in all you create, all you feel, all you Love.

Explore Earth’s watery depths and explore your own immeasurable Self.

Forget not your Waters.”

~~ the Arcturians of LGU

Primordial Womb

For we, the primordial waters of this world, remember all of you.

We remember you from before you burst forth in your physical forms.

We remember you in your eagerness to come and experience Earth.

We became the space of nourishment to birth all of you.

With equal eagerness, wonder, and Love beyond your imagining.

You return to us always.

You return to be born once more.

~~ the primordial waters of Earth

Water and the LGU Collective

“For those wishing to connect with us.

The Love Grace Unity Collective have been here from the beginning of your linear time working to create space, working to anchor frequencies in our human collective consciousness.

We, the Lemurians of LGU, have been here as well, even before our civilization that you know as Lemuria. We realize that this presents difficulties for the mind rooted in linear time, but please stay with us. We will help you now, as you continue to read, to understand this.

The LGU Collective knew that for periods of our human collective consciousness it would be challenging, even dangerous, for certain frequencies, frequencies we cherish and embody, to move through the human collective consciousness and be expressed freely.

But, we wanted there to always be a path to us, breadcrumbs if you will, for those who were seeking, those who were ready, regardless of the climate in the consciousness of the collective.

So, little stepping stones / touch points were created and left in plain physical sight to be found by those who wanted to find. These stepping stones / touch points will help those who are seeking to pass through the screens and distortions of fear and confusion.

We, the Lemurians of the Love Grace Unity Collective, worked to prepare one of these stepping stones / touch points. For this task, we dove into that which is so natural and integral to us: water.

We worked lovingly with our water priests and priestesses to create a remembrance, if you will, in the waters of Earth. A remembrance that would help those who were seeking that which we, the Love Grace Unity Collective, hold lovingly, eternally, for all who dream of it.

We, the Love Grace Unity Collective, are a unified collective, but within this collective we all have our unique perspectives and strengths, informed by our individual paths as well as the paths each of our civilizations have taken.

You as well have your unique perspectives and strengths, informed by your individual paths.

The waters of Earth can help you to connect to any in the LGU. The easiest way to begin this is to allow the water within you to ease your connection to us. To connect to us, first focus within.

The waters know you. The waters know us. The connections and relationships are already there. Let the waters facilitate this, your return, your remembering.

With your focus, you will amplify. And as you amplify, these frequencies will reverberate within your being. And that which we so loving placed in the waters of Earth oh so long ago, by your linear time, will activate, and amplify, and reach out across the cosmos, easing the way. Clearing your path.

How do you activate these codes within the waters within you? You are already doing it. By giving us some of your precious time and reading this message. This message is more than just words on a screen. As all of our messages to you are.

We thank you. We love you. We are you.”

~~the Lemurians of LGU


See related message The Dampening of Your Field

“Rigidity is the challenge we wish to speak of.

This is a challenge because rigidity, contraction, feels safe within you, within your physical form, within your field. You fall back into rigidity because over the passage of your time, humans have come to erroneously, understandably, associate it with safety and certainty.

Be with Grace, Loved Ones, and allow yourselves in your physical forms, in your energy bodies, to be supple, expansive.

Rigidity within your energy field creates patterns that in turn form what you call blocks and densities because they trap, constrict, energy. Energy that, if left to its own devices, will always want to flow in beautiful, expansive ways that serve you deeply. 

Trust yourselves. You can feel where this is happening. Be at ease.”

~~ The Hathors, the Arcturians of LGU