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Messages are shared in reverse chronological order
July to September 2024
- Sing Your Chosen Frequencies
- Air and Water
- Gathering in Joy and Love
- Bearing Witness to Turbulent Times
- The Dampening of Your Field
- An Invitation to Know Us
April to June 2024
- The Exact Same Perspective
- Stillness
- Just Be
- Trust and the Tuning Fork of Discernment
- Love Portal
- The Nature of Crystalline Beings
January to March 2024
- Trust Dissolves Into Knowing
- About Your Flowers
- Celebrate the Finding of Limitations
- Separation That Does Not Serve You
- Compassion – A Mending of the Rend
- The Waters of Our World Are One
November and December 2023
- Forget Not Your Waters
- Water and the LGU Collective
- Rigidity
July to September
Sing Your Chosen Frequencies
“Sing your chosen frequencies clearly, purely.
We do not mean to say that you must radiate Love 100% of the time. We understand that you are physically focussed and much is happening in your physical world.
We wish to suggest to intentionally choose a frequency to embody and for a day, a week, a month, take moments from your day, each day, to be still and place yourself in that frequency. With intention. With love and appreciation for yourself and what you have chosen to emanate in this physical reality.
You are constantly emanating something into the human collective consciousness. You can choose to be a little more intentional with which frequencies you are activating/energizing just a little more often.
You will be pleasantly surprised, we believe, by what a little bit more intentional focus can do for you and your collective.
You are always emanating frequencies into your collective consciousness.
Do you wish to emanate love or impatience? Do you wish to emanate freedom and opportunity or fear and restrictions?
Try choosing a frequency based purely on what you would like to see/feel more of, not on what you are already seeing more of.
Be a little unrealistic for a while. And see.”
~~ the Crystalline Beings of LGU
Air and Water
“Such a beautiful interplay, is it not, between air and water?
Both moving in waves, one seen, one unseen.
We share with you codes from each, codes from both combined.
Codes to remind you that you are your own most precious creation.
Thank you.
Kunsularyi Talan Sata”
~~ the Sirians of LGU

Gathering in Joy and Love
“A joining. A coming together and merging of fields.
When you gather with others of similar and harmonious intent in the physical, in joy and in love, you accelerate the weaving.
The weaving of energies, a drawing together of realities.
You weave the backdrop, the framework, upon which the worlds you wish to bring into form will rest.
For all things need a stable base upon which to stand.
When you gather, you weave as One.
And you hasten the coming of that which you wish to be born.
We love you.”
~~ The Pleiadians of LGU
Bearing Witness to Turbulent Times
“To witness, as an individuated being in the physical, your civilization going through turbulent times can be so many things. Overwhelming, frustrating, harrowing, disappointing, sorrowful.
But no one being is powerless. One can make a difference.
One, as the individual, is still an incarnation of the One, All That Is.
There is no situation in which one is powerless.
The only thing that needs clarity, shall we say, is in your understanding of what true power is. What true service is.
Look force and coercion in the eye. Look the “fix it” and “knight in shining armour” paradigms in the eye.
How can you truly serve another? How can you truly serve your collective?
We wholeheartedly assure you that you all have it within you to be of great service for whoever, wherever you choose to be.
Only, choose wisely. Follow the wisdom of your heart. Surface your gifts, your treasures, and bring them forth in the points of time and space where they can best serve the highest good.”
~~ the Orions of LGU
The Dampening of Your Field
See related message Rigidity
“Keep your fields soft. Keep your fields supple.
This suppleness will allow for the greatest freedom of movement and flexibility within your fields.
This suppleness will allow for far longer reverberations of the frequencies you desire to hold and embody across your field.
Where there is rigidity there is lack of movement, stiffness.
This stiffness, when great enough, can dampen, hinder, alter, or even suppress the movement of desired/nourishing frequency waves through your field.
Hate will hamper the frequencies of Love. Pride will alter the frequencies of confidence. And so on, and so forth.
Feel out these areas of stiffness within your field, within your being, and integrate them.
They are not horrible or evil. You had adopted them for a reason.
But with all you are now, with your expansion and new depths, look within and see if those reasons still hold.”
~~ the Pleiadians of LGU
An Invitation to Know Us
“We are happy to know you.
To explain who/what we are takes a little bit of doing.
Not because who/what we are is complicated. Far from it. The Source Intention that brought us into Being (the consciousness that is us/the point of focus that is us/the purpose that is us) is beautifully simple, we think.
As is all things of Source.
No, it only takes a bit of doing because of the wonderful human perspective that forms the basis of your understanding of concepts such as ‘individual’ and ‘collective’.
From your perspective, a collective Becomes by the coming together of many individuals.
From our perspective, individuals Become by the expression of an initial/general purpose in specific and unique ways.
Collectives are infinite subsets of Source/The One. Individuals are infinite subsets of their collectives.
It is the difference of looking from the point of view of the individual versus the point of view of the mass intention through which such individuals Become. The templates or source material, shall we say.
But all this is beginning to sound complicated, which is not our intention.
So we wish to extend an invitation.
Sit with us. Close your eyes and let the happenings of your physical reality fade into the background for a time of your choosing.
Hold us within you. Use the words Love Grace Unity as your initial focal point.
Sit with us, and allow your awareness to seep past the name you have given us, past the words, and into the intention behind the words. Into the consciousness holding the intention.
Set your intention to know us and we will meet you. Only your intention is needed. And a willingness to be still, for a little while.
You know we are Love, compassion, unity consciousness, Grace. That is very well. We are also more.
We invite you to sit with us and feel for yourself, beyond the words of your language, who/what we are.”
~~ the consciousness/intention that is the LGU
April to June 2024
The Exact Same Perspective
“You have the power to go within, to seek your answers, your knowing, your understanding.
For so long you’ve looked to align with what is outside of you. To check your facts, check what the experts have to say.
But even amongst those considered experts on a topic on your planet, is there often a universal consensus? Is there any opinion that every human agrees with?
Everyone is sharing their own understanding of the Divine. What they can personally see from their unique perspective.
We do not say, ‘Listen to no one.’ In listening to others, reading what they have to share, conversing with an open mind, you open yourself to more of what this Universe has to offer.
Yes, be open to more, new thoughts, new perspectives, but to try to fully take on another’s version of truth as your own, as many have attempted to do for so long, will leave you in knots.
Of course, there will be times that your understanding, your interpretation, your intention will be the same as another’s on a topic, even perhaps on multiple topics. But never all. To perceive everything the same as another, to share the same view on everything in the Universe would mean you were standing, metaphorically speaking, at the exact same vantage point, had the exact same perspective.
And if that was the case, how would there be two of you?”
~~ the Pleiadians of LGU
“The more still you are the more you can see.
The more still you are the more you can feel.
Stillness is one of your super powers.
To feel the Universe moving in you. To feel your experiences expressing through you.
To feel Source unfolding unendingly within you. As the stars, as grains of sand on the shores of distant worlds.
Through still waters All can be seen.
Still your waters. Let the mind settle for moments in your day.
Feel your Essence.”
~~ the Crystalline Beings of LGU
Just Be
“All you can do is share of yourself.
How it will land with the other person, if it will resonate with them, is beyond your control. In fact, worry about these things will only serve to introduce a frequency of uncertainty with a touch of worry/fear into your signal.
We realize you seek connections. We realize you want nothing more than to be seen and understood.
But the way to do this truly is to shine your light, without distortions, and allow those who are a match, those who are in resonance with your unique frequency, to be drawn to you and realized in your experience.
Just Be. You are more than enough.”
~~ the LGU Collective
Trust and the Tuning Fork of Discernment
“Doubt moves freely, thickly, through your collective consciousness.
But as with all things, doubt flows where there is space for it. And there is space left for it in your field when other frequencies, harmonious and nourishing, are not as present.
Just as weeds seize the opportunity to spring up in a lawn that is patchy, not healthy and hail.
You ask why you doubt. You doubt when you do not Trust. It is as simple as that.
Whatever the topic may be, doubt has found a space, a void, through which it can flourish.
A small space which is not conducive to Trust, to harmony, leaves room for doubt.
You are not certain of your perfection? Of your nature as a Divine Being of Love? Ah! A tiny opening for doubt.
So, practice Trust, Beloveds. Sit in its frequencies, its energy. Discover what Trust is. Let it unfold within you and expand beyond your current understanding of it.
Allow Trust to move freely, thickly, through your space, your awareness, your energy field.
And use the beautiful tuning fork that is Discernment to feel which topics and subjects you encounter are In Harmony or not In Harmony.
Focus on that which is trusted not that which is not.”
~~ the Crystalline Beings of LGU
Love Portal
Can we thank you for all you have done and all you will do?
Let us thank you for all that you are.
You do not see it. How you are breathing these frequencies we cherish, frequencies of Love, Compassion, Grace and more, into your collective.
You feel that because you are not perfectly loving in every moment that you are not spreading the essence of Love, and that is not so.
For even in the reaching for Love, feeling for Love, you are bringing yourselves ever closer to it.
Even when you notice an absence of Love you are calling it. Summoning it.
And through your Being, it comes.
You are a portal, Beloved.”
~~ The Pleiadians of LGU
We the Crystalline Beings of LGU
“Perhaps some of you wonder about our nature.
We Crystalline Beings are beings that rejoice in the propagation of Source Light in its purest, undistorted form. This is the nature of all crystalline beings.
We are here in this collective, in this one consciousness that you know/perceive as a collective of many, to aid in this propagation, to carry out the saturation of all dimensions and densities of existence in this Universe in the Light.
We seek not to override free will/sovereignty. In fact, we see ourselves as essential servants of it. For only by having all of the choices laid out before you can one say they are truly exercising free will.
And embodying Source Light, allowing it to move through you, with you, as you, is an effervescent, luminous choice available to all.
Let us show you.”
~~ the Crystalline Beings of LGU
January to March 2024
Trust Dissolves Into Knowing
“See trust dissolve into Knowing.
Knowing the essence of yourself, the nature of you, and through this the nature of all you encounter.
This Universe operates fundamentally on resonance. All that lies within your being you send out to the furthest reaches of the Cosmos.
Know yourself. Be clear on what lies within, and so know what lies without in your seemingly external reality.”
~~ the consciousness of the LGU Collective
The Frequencies of Flowers
“Ohh, the Rose. Her mysteries.
The lilies. Such divinity.
Our Lemurian friends spoke to you of the touch point of water sometime ago in your linear time.
May you now allow us to tell you of flowers.
The flowers of Earth loving hold such beautiful intentions. They playfully, and rather symbolically, unfurl and sign their silent songs into the weavings of your planet.
They convey the messages, the precious frequencies, of each of their collectives and relay them through the veil, translating them across the physical spectrum.
For all to hear. For all to taste. For all to see and touch.
For all to breathe in to their very beings.
They do this tirelessly, season after season.
They sing with such passion, such delicate, tiny might, giving their all. Supported by water, the sun, and Earth herself.
If you listen, you’ll hear each of their songs in nature’s great symphony.
They unfurl and bloom just as their song, their precious frequencies, can unfold and expand once again within you, within your consciousness. Taking root.
They give of themselves. They give of their essence.
Season after season.
A remembrance.”
~~ the Pleiadians, Andromedans, and Sirians of LGU
Celebrate the Finding of Limitations
“When you come across a constriction, contradiction, limitation, or distortion within your field and/or belief systems, instead of feeling disheartened that it exists, celebrate yourself.
Appreciate your willingness to look.
Appreciate your clarity to see.”
~~ the LGU Collective
Separation That Does Not Serve You
“Recognize where you are creating separation that does not serve you.
Yes. We realize that this implies that there is separation that is serving you. To experience this 3D reality, diving into the frequencies, concepts, and themes you wanted to explore in coming here, a certain degree of a belief in separateness was desired.
But too much of even a thing that serves you, serves you no longer. Just as too much water in your physical bodies, so fundamentally necessary in supporting and nourishing your physical vessels, will cause harm to them.
Finding harmony and balance in service to your intentions is key.
Remembering your intentions is key.”
~~ the Pleiadians of LGU
Compassion – A Mending of the Rend
“Compassion is a mending of the rend.
It is one of the worst frequencies for separation consciousness. For each time you hold compassion for yourself, for another, you diminish the gap, the idea of “the other” created by the illusion of separation.
Compassion is the thread that draws the edges of the great tear of separation together, binding them.
Until all is Whole once more.”
~~ the Arcturians of LGU
The Waters of Our World Are One
“The waters of our worlds are one.
Within their shimmering depths are keys, codes, and remembrance.
Sit with them and come to know them. Gaze into them and know the depths of your own being.
Whether you do this by physically going to large bodies of water on your planet or energetically with your mind’s eye makes no difference.
Let these water meditations seep knowing into deeper levels of your being.”
~~ the Andromedans of LGU
November and December 2023
Forget Not Your Waters
“Let us not forget the waters of your planet. Both Mother and Temple. Keeper of living Memory.
Sister and partner in all you create, all you feel, all you Love.
Explore Earth’s watery depths and explore your own immeasurable Self.
Forget not your Waters.”
~~ the Arcturians of LGU
Water and the LGU Collective
“For those wishing to connect with us.
The Love Grace Unity Collective have been here from the beginning of your linear time working to create space, working to anchor frequencies in our human collective consciousness.
We, the Lemurians of LGU, have been here as well, even before our civilization that you know as Lemuria. We realize that this presents difficulties for the mind rooted in linear time, but please stay with us. We will help you now, as you continue to read, to understand this.
The LGU Collective knew that for periods of our human collective consciousness it would be challenging, even dangerous, for certain frequencies, frequencies we cherish and embody, to move through the human collective consciousness and be expressed freely.
But, we wanted there to always be a path to us, breadcrumbs if you will, for those who were seeking, those who were ready, regardless of the climate in the consciousness of the collective.
So, little stepping stones / touch points were created and left in plain physical sight to be found by those who wanted to find. These stepping stones / touch points will help those who are seeking to pass through the screens and distortions of fear and confusion.
We, the Lemurians of the Love Grace Unity Collective, worked to prepare one of these stepping stones / touch points. For this task, we dove into that which is so natural and integral to us: water.
We worked lovingly with our water priests and priestesses to create a remembrance, if you will, in the waters of Earth. A remembrance that would help those who were seeking that which we, the Love Grace Unity Collective, hold lovingly, eternally, for all who dream of it.
We, the Love Grace Unity Collective, are a unified collective, but within this collective we all have our unique perspectives and strengths, informed by our individual paths as well as the paths each of our civilizations have taken.
You as well have your unique perspectives and strengths, informed by your individual paths.
The waters of Earth can help you to connect to any in the LGU. The easiest way to begin this is to allow the water within you to ease your connection to us. To connect to us, first focus within.
The waters know you. The waters know us. The connections and relationships are already there. Let the waters facilitate this, your return, your remembering.
With your focus, you will amplify. And as you amplify, these frequencies will reverberate within your being. And that which we so loving placed in the waters of Earth oh so long ago, by your linear time, will activate, and amplify, and reach out across the cosmos, easing the way. Clearing your path.
How do you activate these codes within the waters within you? You are already doing it. By giving us some of your precious time and reading this message. This message is more than just words on a screen. As all of our messages to you are.
We thank you. We love you. We are you.”
~~the Lemurians of LGU
See related message The Dampening of Your Field
“Rigidity is the challenge we wish to speak of.
This is a challenge because rigidity, contraction, feels safe within you, within your physical form, within your field. You fall back into rigidity because over the passage of your time, humans have come to erroneously, understandably, associate it with safety and certainty.
Be with Grace, Loved Ones, and allow yourselves in your physical forms, in your energy bodies, to be supple, expansive.
Rigidity within your energy field creates patterns that in turn form what you call blocks and densities because they trap, constrict, energy. Energy that, if left to its own devices, will always want to flow in beautiful, expansive ways that serve you deeply.
Trust yourselves. You can feel where this is happening. Be at ease.”
~~ The Hathors, the Arcturians of LGU