Exploring Muladhara – Nourishment
Thank you to Esra for the idea behind this visualization. Sit or lie down comfortably. Allow your body to relax, and your breathing to become… Read More »Exploring Muladhara – Nourishment
Thank you to Esra for the idea behind this visualization. Sit or lie down comfortably. Allow your body to relax, and your breathing to become… Read More »Exploring Muladhara – Nourishment
Visualization for Muladhara (Root Chakra) Sit quietly for a few moments, taking long, deep breaths. When you are ready, look within and see Muladhara, your… Read More »Muladhara and the Heart
Visualization for Muladhara (Root Chakra) and grounding. Imagine yourself deep in the woods, sitting on the ground. The only sound you hear is the creaking… Read More »Connecting to the Living Network