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Love Wonder Grace Meditations

Frequency is the basis of everything. This Universe is energy, and the way energy organizes and gathers is by frequency.

The frequencies you choose to cultivate within you determine the thoughts that occur to you and the opportunities that manifest around you. They determine the quality of energy you infuse into everything you do and into all of your relationships.

Meditate with me on Zoom or choose to simply receive the energy as you go about your day or sleep. The choice is yours.

Grace by Abueng Naledi

Sea of Energy

We are energetic beings living in an energetic Universe. While we choose our frequencies, we are also influenced by the frequencies of energy that we are immersed in.

Our energy fields are permeable, and they exchange different frequencies of energy with our surroundings, for lack of a better word. Our fields bring in energy and also release that which we no longer need the same way our lungs inhale and exhale air.

What I Do

Through meditation, I hold myself in the desired frequency and then focus on you. Where our focus goes, our energy flows.

By holding frequency in this way, I am able to amplify your desired energy frequencies in the space around you, leading to an amplification of those same frequencies in you being.

The benefits of having a meditation done for you do not end as soon as the meditation ends. It’s like opening a window to let fresh air into a room. Even after the window is closed, the freshness lingers for a while. And opening a window for a short time, multiple times has a compound beneficial effect on the pleasantness and feel of a room.

Receiving daily meditations will have a compound effect on the amplitude of the chosen frequency within you, as it will build on the amplification of the previous meditations.

You will also become accustomed to the feeling these frequencies at the higher amplitude, making it easier for you to return to them on your own.

The Options

I hold the frequencies of Love, Wonder, and Grace. You can choose to amplify one of these frequencies for 15 minutes or you can choose to anmplify all three frequencies in one 24-minute meditation.

A Combination of Frequencies

I realized that the reason certain types of energy are beneficial for so many different things is because they contain multiple frequencies.

In this same way, the energy of Love, Wonder, and Grace are not one frequency or even a range of frequencies. They are each a combination of frequencies the same way white light is a combination of frequencies. That’s why the energy of Love, for example, is so beneficial in so many areas.

Love Wonder Grace

Love Light artwork by Abueng Naledi

What is my understanding of the terms Love, Wonder, and Grace?

Love is Source energy as it forms this Universe and as it is part of each creation of this Universe. It is the threads woven through our multi-dimensional tapestry.

Wonder is the perception, realization, recognition of Source within one of its creations. The feeling we call Wonder is the coming home, however briefly, to the knowing that All is Source.

Grace is Source. It is the carrier wave of the frequencies of Source. It is the closest to direct expression of Source which is possible within this container that we call our Universe. It is Source Energy not serving a function, not acting as a creation, but simply Being as it can be expressed within this Source System.

Not Just a Passive Receiver

Emanation of Grace by Abueng Naledi

The energy frequencies that a person chooses to cultivate within themselves are always the determining factor in how the energy of a meditation is received and how much amplification within an individual’s being occurs.

Even though I will be doing the meditations and holding you as my object of focus, you can take a more active role and amplify these frequencies in more within you. Join me in meditation over Zoom, take two or three-minute Love, Wonder, or Grace breaks throughout your day.

By doing this, you will anchor these frequencies even more firmly within you.

Booking and Payment

Choose a meditation and enjoy the amplification of those frequencies within your being.

If you wish to simply receive the meditations, please click the button below. I will do your meditations at the same time each day, which will be a set time between 6:30 am and 8:00 am EDT (Toronto time zone).

If you would like to meditate with me, please email me before paying so that we can work out the best time for your meditations.

PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay payment options available, as well as credit card.

Prices are in Canadian dollars