A Shifting Energy Tones Session is a 21-minute energy work session done at a distance. A session will help you to set a new tone in your being and in your life.
My understanding is that everything is energy. So whether we are talking about colours, pitches/notes/tones, or feelings and emotions it is all energy vibrating at different frequencies. I chose to use the sound analogy (tone, dissonance) to emphasize that we can make changes and choose our frequencies the same way we play different notes on a musical instrument.
So if there’s a habit you want to change, resentment you want to let go of, or patience that you would like to have more of it’s all just different frequencies of energy.
What Is a Shifting Energy Tones Session Like?
The sessions are 21 minutes, and they are done at a distance.
There are three steps in each session: Desired Tone, Dissonance, and New Tone. I will send you an email summary, which will also include my impressions and ideas, after your session is complete.
Desired Tone
To start a Shifting Energy Tones Session I choose a feeling/state of being, or frequency, based on the focus you have chosen for the session. This is the Desired Tone.
- Focus: more patience
- Desired Tone: patience
- Focus: ability to switch off my brain
- Desired Tone: quiet mind
- Focus: stress and anxiety over upcoming trip
- Desired Tone: peace and tranquility
While holding that Desired Tone, energy patterns within your being that are not a match, pieces of resistance, come up to be looked at and cleared during the session.
- Desired Tone: patience
- Dissonance: patience = biting my tongue
- Desired Tone: health
- Dissonance: doubt (“What if ____ happens”)
- Desired Tone: choices harmonious with health
- Dissonance: I’m tired; deep weariness
New Tone
After clearing the Dissonance, a new frequency will come in to fill the space that is now available. This New Tone will be a new feeling, emotion, or state of being to help you move towards your desired state. To finish off the session, I will hold this new frequency to help you start to embody it.
Sometimes the new tone is an obvious match to the initial desired focus, but other times it can seem like a rather surprising tangent. Either way, it is helping you to move towards your desired feeling or state of being.
- Desired Tone: patience
- New Tone: love
- Desired Tone: abundance of energy
- New Tone: staying centred
- Desired Tone: harmonious relationships
- New Tone: safe in my Now
Impressions and Ideas
Finally, in the email I’ll share some impression or ideas I got during the session.
When Should I Schedule My Session?
If you want to sit down and quiet your mind during your session, you can book it for a specific time that is convenient for you to do so. Or, you can go about your day as I do the session. The energy will flow through you regardless of what you are doing.
In Exchange
I ask for $39.00 CAD ($44.07 with tax) for Shifting Energy Tones sessions.
Booking A Session
If you would like to receive a 21-minute Shifting Energy Tones Session, you can use the online booking site and choose from the session times available.
Include your name and what you would like to focus on in the session in the Notes field of the appointments site.
Please email me at abuengnaledi@gmail.com if you have questions or if none of the available times work for you.
I believe that energy work requires permission. Please only book sessions for yourself.
None of the energy work, visualizations, meditations, or exercises offered on this site are meant to be a replacement for professional medical advice.