Spaces hold the energy of events that transpired within them and of the people who move through them. Energy work can be done for places just like it can be done for people and animals. We do this to clear energy that is no longer serving the area and to create space for nourishing, harmonious energy to flow in.

My intention while doing these sessions is to work towards the highest good of the space itself, which will in turn benefit those who frequent it (residents, customers/clients, employees, visitors).
“Legions of Michael, please infuse your grid with the energies of Grace, Faith, Hope…”
The Triple Grid Technique
The Triple Grid Technique is a wonderful tool that I use regularly in the spaces I frequent. I learned it years ago from the book What Is Light Body? by Tashira Tachi-ren, a channeled text from Archangel Ariel.
The technique creates an energetically clean and stable environment. It can be done for locations like a home, office, park, or event venue. It can also be done for your car.
The technique has three parts. In each part, a different group of guides is asked to take care of a task, like spinning energy out of the space or infusing energy into the space. There are certain energies that I always ask to be removed from or infused into a space, like worry, miscommunication, compassion, and wealth. In addition to these, I will add other things to the list depending on what I am feeling from a particular space.
The Triple Grid Technique is about asking. It can be done by anyone.
“… please spin your grid, spinning out fear, disharmony, anger…”
Where & When
Locations Served
The Triple Grid Technique is done at a distance and can be done for any location in the world.
When Will My Clearing Be Done?
I will do your clearing within 24 hours of receiving your email and payment. You can also ask for your clearing to be done on a specific date in the future.
Once I have done the technique for your space, I will let you know via email.
Bookings & Prices
I do not have a fixed price for the Triple Grid technique. I ask that you pay an amount that feels good for you to give. Please visit Payment Options to make your payment. If none of those options work for you, please ask for an alternative method in your email.
Please email me at to book this option, and include the following information in your email.
- your first name
- the space to be cleared and your relationship to that space (my home, my neighbourhood playground, my cubicle, my restaurant, the hall of my wedding reception, etc)
- date (if specific date is desired)