My name is Abueng Naledi Bernard and I live in Ontario, in the Toronto area.
Beginning of My Journey
My interest in spirituality began in my early 30s and I read many books by different spirituality teachers and from a variety of religions and belief systems. One of the first books I read was In Tune With The Infinite by Ralph Waldo Trine, which made a great impression on me and changed the way I look at life and reality. I would say it was the beginning of my exploration of metaphysics and spirituality.
My path eventually lead me to Reiki. I did the Level I training out of curiosity and initially had no intention of going further. But I eventually found myself completing Level II and finally Level III, Reiki Master.
But Before All That…
I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a certificate in Corporate Communications. Â I worked in IT in the GTA for a few years and for several months in Kolkata, India. I also lived in East Asia where I taught English for several years in Osaka, Seoul, and Tokyo.
And Now?
In addition to being an energy work practitioner, I am a support worker assisting families with loved ones with physical and/or developmental disabilities.