I first became aware of the energy of the Golden Waters in 2024, and have been benefiting from the soothing it brings to my energy field ever since.
I say the words below and visualize the Golden Waters falling from above me as a gentle waterfall.
I see the waters flowing into my energy field and filling it with golden light.
I then see the Golden Waters flowing through the crown of my head, down my central energy channel to the base of my spine, and then spreading throughout my body from this central column.
I call on the Golden Waters when I need some help staying centred or when I simply want to be at peace.
I find it extremely helpful when I can feel myself becoming impatient. ☺️
The Request
Golden Waters, please flow into and throughout my field.
Please infuse me with your essence, your frequencies of
Unity Consciousness and Love, clarity and compassion.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.