My present moment is the bridge that connects me to my future ones. All of my power to choose is right here, right now, in the Present.
So I will be self aware and choose with intention.
This is not to say I will attempt to force myself into joy in my sad or angry moments.
But when I have already made an intentional choice, decided that I want to have loving responses rather than angry reactions, for example, that overarching, background choice will be like a beacon when anger does boil up.
My intentional choice of how I want to Be will be a guiding light for me. It will help me to regain awareness more quickly in those moments when I am not in harmony with that choice. It will allow me to observe, feel, and allow the movement of emotions as they flow through me.
Yes, sometimes, I might fall back into old patterns. Sometimes, I might have knee-jerk reactions.
But eventually, I’ll remember and start to re-align with what I have chosen for myself.