This post is in response to this week’s Weekly Contemplation topic on my Instagram, The Mandela Effect.
Do I believe in parallel realities? I think where I am now I can best answer that question with another question. Why wouldn’t there be other realities?
We humans have such a curious tendency of trying to make ourselves, whether individually or as a group (my village, my nation, my favourite team), the centre, the special one, or the only one.
Not too long ago, some societies believed the sun circled the Earth. They looked up into the sky saw the sun “moving” across it and assumed that it and all the other celestial bodies were circling us. We were the centre. Granted, there were other factors contributing to this, like the fact that we can’t feel ourselves moving, but there were also religious and other belief components contributing to the fact that we assumed everything revolved around us.
Nowadays, for the most part, we no longer believe we are the physical centre of our solar system or universe, but we still want to make ourselves the only one, the special one. So many people believe that this is the only planet, out of the trillions upon trillions of planets, with life. Why? We want to believe that this reality we are experiencing is the only reality that exists. Why?