2021 Week 27 Contemplation Thoughts
(Updated throughout the week)
- We are all wearing various hats as we go through life. Sister, brother, boss, student, PTA member, team leader
- I suppose our roles help us to simplify our relationships. The roles come with standard boundaries, hierarchies, structure. Parent-child, teacher-student, doctor-patient, big sister-little sister
- When two people first meet, before a single word is exchanged, there are expectations as to how each person will behave. Are their roles equal or does one person need to defer to the other?
- People often have a role they want to o in mind and then search for someone to play that role with, like a spouse, a specific job, best friend
- I think the above works better than deciding on a role and then trying to force/shoehorn people you know into this new role when they may not be a fit
- Who am I? Can I answer this question without referring to any of my roles?