Are birth and death just a repeating cycle as those who believe in reincarnation think or do we have one life to live?
The single fact that I can’t remember past lives is not enough for me to completely dismiss the idea of reincarnation. I also don’t remember anything from when I was two years old, but that isn’t proof that I was never two years old
I believe that birth and death are two sides of the same coin, or two sides/directions of the same entryway/portal. The entry into and out of this reality
birth x death = entrance x exit
Where are we before birth? Does a ‘where’ question even make sense? What are we?
Does existence begin with our birth in these bodies? That would mean that these physical bodies, these cells, are creating our consciousness. I am having a hard time understanding how that could be the case
If our existence begins with our birth in these physical bodies that would mean that before birth we were nonexistent. How does non existent become existent?
If we knew the death was simply waking up, how where we live our lives differently? What meaning would “the ultimate sacrifice” have?