I started off this week thinking of giving and receiving in terms of gifting things or consciously choosing to give or receive, but my thoughts then turned to different forms of giving and receiving. Give and take at cellular level, breathing., etc
Can anything exist in complete isolation, with no form of giving or receiving occurring?
For living beings on our planet, I would say no. At some level there is always some form of exchange happening. Even breathing we give and receive. Just coming into this life starts with receiving from our parents, and we give by returning our bodies to the Earth when we die
Life itself depends on exchange. The receiving may be separated from the giving by seconds, minutes, years, or an entire lifetime
First we receive and then we give
Does every act of receiving have an accompanying act of giving? For there to be balance, I think it would have to. Imagine if we only inhaled but never exhaled, or if only drank water but never peed. The vast oceans receive and then give water. Stars at the end of their lives give of themselves in explosions that spread their material across the cosmos and give birth to future galaxies
Every inhale needs an exhale. We take in and then we give out
The only place where I can see this not happening is with humans. Hoarding, greed
I’ve thought for a long time that hoarding and greed have their roots firmly in fear. Fear of not receiving in the future. Fear of lack