Nature themed visualization for relaxation
This visualization was inspired by the painting A Touch of Winter by Raquel Roth
You are driving along a quiet, rural road when an interesting sign propped up next to an opening in a fence catches your eye. You pull over, park, and walk back to see that the sign marks the beginning of the slightest of paths through a field of tall grass, flowers, and bushes. You start down the trail and smile as you pass the sign that caused you to stop: Dreamers welcome.
As you slowly make your way through the field illuminated by the mid-morning sun you reach out and gently touch a few of the plants. A bumpy leaf here. Butter-soft blossom over here.
Eventually you come to an open space just large enough for you to sit comfortably, which you do. A feeling of being part of this beautiful field seeps up from the earth and spreads though you.
A gentle gust of wind dislodges some of the petals of flowers near you, sending them swirling up and around, above the highest blades of grass. Another gust of wind brings more soft white, shiny lilac, and creamy yellow petals to the dance. The beautiful wisps of colour circle in the air just out of your reach, dipping and rising again in defiance of gravity.
Stay with this image as long as you like.

A Touch of Winter by Raquel Roth