“Mind: A beautiful servant, a dangerous master” ~~Osho
2020 Week 27 Contemplation Thoughts
- I used to be completely mind focus. I put a premium on intelligence, reason.
- I realize now I was putting a strain on my mind, my reason, my logic, to come up with answers or solutions to things they couldn’t possibly know
- I’ve shifted now and I see that mind or intelligence fills in the details of the picture. Logic decides the path from where I am to where I want to go.
- Where I run into problems is when I try to use only the tools of mind (logic, intelligence, reason) to decide on where I’m going
- Logic, reason tell us the how. They fill in the picture. But we must use something else to choose what picture it is that we want to have filled in.
- So, if mind is a beautiful servant, what is the master? Heart? Intuition? Gut feelings?
- Can we gain knowledge without intellect? Can we know without the mind?
- I think that those truly great, beautiful, game-changing ideas come from beyond the mind
- Mind relies heavily on the past and looking at what came before, on data, on history. So I’d mind is dominant, maybe we aren’t inclined to let go of the old