I think there is misunderstanding about that feeling of resonance that we get when someone says something that just rings true to our core.
One reaction when we have that feeling is to believe that the resonance is an indication that what we’ve just heard or read or discovered is True with a capital T. Another common reaction is to believe that the person whose words we resonated with must themselves have access to the Truth with a capital T, and then to believe all of their words are True.
But a thought I just had during an energy work session this morning is that the reason for that feeling of resonance is not that what we’ve heard is True or that the one who said them knows the Truth and should be followed, but rather that the thing we resonated with is a piece of our own personal truth.
The idea that we are each living and carrying our own truth was a difficult one for me to accept. I was very attached to the idea of one truth, of right and wrong, of good and bad. But I now believe that we are all looking at the same thing but from different perspectives, and these different perspectives, or standpoints, are what lead to such vastly different ideas, opinions, and beliefs.
I think that feeling of resonance is what happens when we find a piece of our truth. And it feels so wonderful, so magical even, because we are looking at a piece of ourselves.