There is so much opinion in what we so often consider to be truth
When I declare one of my limiting beliefs to be true it makes it that much harder for me to release it
Can anything I believe be a truth? Truth just is, isn’t it?
So what is truth? In my old beliefs system of solid reality, right and wrong, truth was facts, hard evidence, what happened, the right way. But this definition of truth holds no water in my new belief system of energy, consciousness, and reality creation
Is what I experience truth? I would say it’s my truth but not Truth
I think for something to be true it must be fundamental and universal. Truth is more than, well beyond, simple facts or events that happened
Perhaps it would be helpful to make a distinction between truth (experience, facts,etc) and Truth (universal, fundamental, eternal)
When I think of Truth I think of something that is eternal, unchanging. But that would seemingly contradict the idea “Change is the only constant”. Unless “Change is the only constant” is a Truth
I think that when we get to a paradox, something that seems to contradict itself, we are close to Truth
I think Truths are simple but able to support infinite variety. They don’t restrict and exclude. Perhaps restriction and exclusion are our red flags that we are dealing with a limiting belief and not something that is True