For me, the word sacrifice is full of reluctance, loss, deprivation, and it implies something that you don’t truly want to do
If I gain more by giving something up, so much so that I feel happy to do so, is this still a sacrifice? If I were to give up a day off every week so that I could take my nephew to hockey practice, which I knew he loved and I was happy to see him have fun, is that a sacrifice?
Many people believe that you must sacrifice to attain or achieve your big desires or goals. But why? As you grow and evolve, as your perspective shifts, you may leave things behind as they no longer fit the new you you are becoming. But isn’t this a more of a gentle parting of the ways than a loss? A shifting of priorities?
I’m realizing that I have some anger around this word
Someone talking about a sacrifice they made feels a bit like they are looking for sympathy or admiration from others
From the other side, when someone tells you that you must sacrifice something it feels like manipulation or control