Anahata (Heart Chakra) visualization for compassion
Sit cross-legged with your eyes closed. Count seven breaths and feel your body relax a little more with each one.
With your mind’s eye see Anahata, a lovely green sphere of energy, spinning slowly in the centre of your chest. The light from Anahata baths your lungs and heart in soft light.
Now, in the quiet of your mind, invite the energy of compassion into your being. See wide streams of beautiful, deep-rose light flowing to you in waves from all around you, from the the fabric of the Universe itself. Each stream of deep-rose light spirals around your body like a ribbon a few times before flowing into your Heart Chakra, which absorbs the energy into itself before sending it out, throughout your body and energy field in tiny deep-rose streams.
Stay with this image as long as you like.