Inspiration for this visualization was the lovely painting Aoki by Vinn Wong
Visualization for general relaxation
Imagine yourself sitting with your eyes closed. You feel an intense warmth rising from the Earth and up trough your body. At the same time, a cool breeze blows steadily across your skin. You sit for quite some time enjoying the contrast of warmth from below and cool air around you.
Eventually, you open your eyes and look around. Golden earth, a mixture of baked dirt and crumbling rocks, stretches as far as the eye can see. You get up and begin to walk towards the horizon. A great blue-white moon hangs in the sky.
As you walk, the dirt is replaced by golden sand that appears to be almost liquid. The sand reflects the light of the moon, illuminating the desert even more brightly.
Now small clumps of golden sand begin to rise lazily from the desert floor and float up into the sky. As the clumps of sand rise higher, they glow with an increasingly brilliant gold light. One by one, each clump finally comes to rest high in the sky, shinning like golden stars.
Stay with this image as long as you like.

Painting by Vinn Wong