Helping you integrate the frequencies you wish to hold
We are multi-faceted beings, part of a multi-dimensional Universe of energy vibrating at different frequencies.
I facilitate your connection and interaction to the Universe Within. I can assist you in remembering your Truths, in shifting your energy to states of your choosing, and in connecting you to wisdom and loving guidance.
It is through the exploration of this Universe of Energy that we call home that we each come to learn about ourselves and our True Nature.
I help you connect to You.

I invite you to have a look at my offerings to find the tools and services that will best serve you at this point in your journey.
Helping you connect to loving guidance and higher perspective
My name is Abueng. Allow me to act as a conduit, facilitating the connection between you and the energetic landscape and loving consciousness that lies within you.

Free Resources
Choose from over 100 visualizations, meditations, and exercises that I have created over the years. You’ll find visualizations for relaxation, energy work, and more.

Wisdom and Light
Wisdom and Light contains a collection of intuitive messages of guidance that I have received from my guides and other Beings of Love in service to All.

Camera Luminum
In Camera Luminum you’ll find exercises that will help you hear, feel, and trust you intuition.
Check out my blog where I share my thoughts on topics such as belief systems, time and space, non-judgement, and love.

Please contact me if you have any questions.
We cannot separate our physical health from our emotional, mental, and spiritual states of being. ~~Shakti Gawain