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Autumn Gold

Autumn Gold artwork

Nature-themed visualization for relaxation.  

Illustration for this visualization created by D.Y. Abeygoda

It’s the middle of autumn. The leaves have turned and some have already fallen from their branches, though the trees are far from bare. It is that perfect in-between time when the trees and the ground both seem to be fully covered with vivid leaves.

You are walking along a path deep in the woods. You have been walking for some time, but you aren’t tired. With each step you hear the crunching of the crisp leaves beneath your feet. They are dry but still retain the vibrant colour they had on the branches. The result is a beautiful carpet of autumn hues blanketing the forest floor.

You take a deep breath of the cool, refreshing air and once again admire the scene around you. Trees from a variety of species make their home here in this forest, and each fall they burst into rich, splendid colours. Rusty oranges, deep reds and purples, and brilliant yellows are all around you. Crimson, mustard, mulberry, and bronze leaves are continuously drifting to the ground, filling the very air with colour.

The forest path winds up a hill and at its crown you find yourself in a grove of trees with golden leaves. Scattered rays of sunlight are able to penetrate the dense foliage, making the area shimmer with light.

You sit down on a large rock warmed by the sun and enjoy the scene around you.

Autumn Gold artwork

Illustration by D.Y. Abeygoda